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Isabelle's POV

The Next Morning

I awoke to the most horrendous pain in my head. It felt like my skull was being smashed by a thousand hammers. I felt like I was going to throw up. What the bloody hell happened? I didn't even know where I was. Well, I did. I was in King's Landing, but who's bed was I in? Did I get poisoned? Did someone bed me? I slowly sat up, holding my head. I shut my eyes and squeezed them tightly. When I opened them, I saw a woman on the ground, scrubbing away at the stone floor.

Was that blood she was cleaning up? Did I have a fight with someone? Was I protecting Sansa? Is she okay?

I quickly removed the covers and stood up. I felt a cold breeze on my body, I looked down and saw I was naked.

The woman on the floor, looked up at me and I quickly grabbed the blanket, covering my naked body.

I didn't know what happened, I was slightly worried...Maybe even a little bit scared, however my fear subsided as I saw the Queen walk into the room, carrying what I believed to be clothes.

"Ah, good morning."

"Uh...Good morning your majesty."

"How are we feeling?" She asked as she placed the pile of clothes on the bed.

"I'm confused more than anything. Is...Is that blood on the floor? Is Sansa hurt?"

Cersei giggled and shook her head. "No, my dear. I'm afraid that isn't blood. That's wine. Would you like me to tell you what happened? Or can you guess?"

I thought for a moment, trying to rack my brain, coming up with an explanation, why there was wine on the floor, why I was naked, especially in the Queen's presence and why my head bloody hurt so much.

Cersei giggled once more as she could tell I couldn't come up with an answer.

"My dear Isabelle, you had your very first taste of alcohol and apparently, you cannot hold your alcohol very well. You see, I escorted you back here, for you to rest and you took the great liberty of vomiting on my favorite dress. Do you know, what this means?"

My heart sank and I could feel my body begin to shake. I felt like I was about to throw up again, but this time due to fear. "Are you..Going to kill me?"

Cersei moved to stand in front of me. She looked down at me with the coldest of stares. She began to move my hands from the blanket, my heart began to pound as she let the blanket fall to the ground, leaving me completely bare. Cersei gently cupped my face, and smiled. "Of course not, accidents happen. Getting drunk and throwing up all over the place, happens. Like I explained last night, things like this are normal and nothing to be ashamed of. We've all been there. So, now what we're going to do is, get you dressed into some fresh, clean clothes."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as Cersei grabbed the white shirt. "May I?"

Without a word, I lifted my arm up and allowed her to dress me. She tied the laces together and then grabbed the black, leather trousers.

"I can take it from here, your Majesty."

"Alright. I'll be just outside, if you need me."

As Cersei began to walk out of the room, she turned her head to look at the woman on the floor. "It appears. your job is done. Leave. There is no need for you to be here a moment longer."

The tone in her voice was a tone I had only heard once and that was when she was talking to Joffrey. The woman stood and quickly left the room with the bucket and rag in hand. Cersei turned slightly to look at me and then followed the woman out.

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