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Isabelle's POV

Two days have passed since Sansa and I got married, although it was supposed to be a somewhat happy time, we were plotting to attack Winterfell and take back what rightfully belonged to The Starks...However, that wasn't the only thing we were worried about.

Jon had told us he had sent some of his friends away to keep a watch on something that was known as White Walkers. I didn't know much about them apart from what Jon had told us and I could see the fear in his eyes as he spoke about them. He had been up close with them, he had fought them hand to hand. He, along with his friends that he had sent away, barely made it out alive.

I held Sansa closer that night, fearful that these White Walkers would come, fearful that they would invade my dreams, bringing terror and hurt in the place I should be safest. Holding Sansa, not only made me feel like I was protecting her but she protected me from the badness in my dreams, she filled my dreams with nothing but love and warmth.

Now I was awake, now I was stood in front of Ned, in front of Jon, in front of some men from the Night's Watch, looking down at a map of Winterfell that Jon had sketched to make plans on how to invade.

"This will be no easy battle." Jon said as he looked around at us. "I'm fearful that not many of us will survive. I want to say we'll win." He said looking down. "But part of me believes we may lose."

"We will win." Ned spoke up, placing his hand on Jon's back. "We will. We will take back our home. We will take back Winterfell and then we shall pay a visit to King's Landing and teach those Lannister fuckers a lesson. They have taken my wife, they have taken my son, they have taken my unborn grandchild, they tortured me. They hurt you." Ned looked at me. "They hurt my daughter. They tried to kill your Mother." He once again looked at me. "They think they can get away with this, they are wrong."

"We mustn't rush into things." Jon said as he rolled the map up. "One thing at a time, we may win the battle to get back Winterfell but the battle against the White Walkers is a different story, I know for a fact we will need the Lannisters help. First we deal with Ramsay, then we deal with the White Walkers and if we survive and it is a mighty big if, then we will make the Lannisters pay."

As Jon and Ned began to talk about a plan between each other, I decided to go practice, I had been slacking again and I needed to be in perfect condition to fight in every upcoming battle.

Even though Melisandre had healed my wounds, I was still slightly sore and it showed as I fell forward, clutching my side.

I tried to fight through the pain but I ended up throwing my sword in frustration.

"Poor sword."

I looked up to see a man that I had never seen before stood next to my sword. I walked forward to grab my sword but he kicked it away. He had a blank expression on his face as I gave him a disgusted look. I walked to where he kicked it but he walked quicker than me and kicked it away.

"What's the matter with you, asshole?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I'm bored, it's entertaining."

"If you want to be entertained, how about I rip your stomach open and you can watch all your guts spill out from inside of you."

"Oh..Now that is entertaining."

I clenched my fist and glared at this fucking dickhead of a man. I'm not one to back down from a fight but this man was much taller than I and much stronger and he wasn't worth my time or energy, I had to save myself for showing Ramsay he fucked with the wrong person.

"Could you not be a prick for one second?" A female voice I had never heard before say from behind me. I turned around to see a woman with red hair standing up with my sword in her hand. "Here. Apologies about him, he's known to be a cunt."

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