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Isabelle's POV

My mother and I were both freed but we were still within the walls of King's Landing, but I knew we were no prisoners and we were not in any danger. Some of the people looked at us rather confused, like they couldn't believe their eyes and I wasn't surprised. Most of them expected death to come our way because of the history between us and Cersei...But I was proud to say she had changed.

I heard a roar above us and saw Daenerys riding Drogon with Rhaegal flying beside them. I waved at her and she waved back before looking for a safe place to land her dragons within the walls, I knew why she wanted them near, she has been protective of them..Well, more protective ever since what happened to Viserion.

"There will be space for the dragons in the castle garden." Cersei told me. I nodded my head and gestured for Daenerys to follow.

We continued to walk down the long roads until a spine chilling shriek bellowed above. We all looked up to see a giant spear piercing deep into Rhaegal's chest.

"MOVE!" I shouted, whilst pulling my mother away with my good arm, Cersei following close behind as Rhaegal fell from the sky, crashing into houses and stalls, sending debris everywhere. "Are you alright?" I asked both my mother and Cersei who nodded their head, they only had a few cuts from the flying debris but we managed to find some decent cover so there was no real injuries.

"This was a trap, wasn't it?" Margaery asked pushing Cersei roughly. "You lied!"

"No, I swear I had nothing to do with this."

As Cersei and Margaery began to bicker amongst themselves, I walked out from behind the building we had taken cover behind and looked around, bodies were scattered everywhere, some dead, some alive.

I looked up and saw Daenerys staring down at her dead dragon's body. My heart hurt for her, she had lost another child. I turned around, looking for any signs of the culprit...And then I saw him. Ser Gregor. He was a vile monster, he was doing what he liked because he no longer followed orders from Cersei.

Our eyes met in a tense lock, only broken as a loud screech made me jump..And then all hell broke loose. Daenerys snapped, she started setting the entirety of King's Landing on fire, destroying homes, burning families alive.

"Daenerys!" I shouted trying to gain her attention as I ran after her, dodging the burnt bodies and debris. "Daenerys stop!"

My shoulder throbbed, I could feel the blood dripping down my arm and down my back but I had to stop her causing anymore damage.


I stopped running and turned around as I saw Jon and the Unsullied marching in, my eyes widened as I watched the Unsullied savagely slaughter all the innocent people, even Greyworm was joining in.

"Why are they doing this? What is happening?" I asked looking around in horror.

"I don't know. They're doing what Daenerys had ordered."

"Daenerys ordered nothing!" I shouted. "Cersei was stepping down and willing to negotiate, there is no need for this! These innocent people didn't kill her dragon, these innocent people don't deserve to be slaughtered and be burned alive. There's only one person she needs to kill and that's that fucking beast of a man. She's crazy!"

"I will try my best to stop her. Try and get people to safety." Jon said before running off in the direction that Daenerys was flying in.

I turned around, looking for anyone to help. My heart stopped as I watched a small child running as fast as her little legs could carry her as she ran towards small passageway...One that Daenerys was heading towards.

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