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Isabelle's POV

I waited patiently yet nervously on my bed. I had given Tyrion a note to give to Sansa, in hopes that could talk so I could explain everything to her. It was late at night and I knew Cersei was asleep, so I was sure that Sansa and I were safe to talk within the castle.

I jumped slightly as I heard light tapping on my door, I quickly stood from my bed and hurried towards the door. I opened it quickly and pulled Sansa into my room which took her by surprise.

"Are you alright?" She asked once I closed the door.

"No, but I soon will be. Please, sit." I gestured to my bed as I walked towards it and sat down.

Sansa sat beside me, yawning as she did so. "Why have you summoned me at this late hour? Couldn't it have waited until the morning?"

I shook my head and gently took her hands in mine. "No. It wouldn't have been safe."

"What are you talking about?" She asked rather confused.

"You deserve an explanation for why I've been acting the way I have."

"Finally." Sansa said under her breath.

"Remember the other week, when I had been beaten?" I asked, to which Sansa nodded her head in reply. "Well, Cersei had sent them to beat me."

Sansa gasped and stared at me in shock. "Why would she do that?"

"She said it was to protect me, to stop me going to battle because she loves me and she doesn't want me to get hurt...But I realise now, it was a lie. Me getting beat was a punishment."

"A punishment for what?"

"For what we did...She knows about us."

I watched as the colour drained from Sansa's face. "What?" She asked, her voice coming out in a whisper.

"She told me she knows everything and she clearly does for...She got the whore I was going to fuck."

"You were going to fuck a whore?" Sansa asked hurt.

"A mistake, I needed a distraction, I am sorry. Anyways, she got the whore I was going to fuck and...She killed her right in front of me. Slit her throat, warned me that I was hers and only hers. The night I had my beating, she implied that if I left or didn't do as she wanted. that she would hurt you and I could never let something bad happen to you." I moved forward and cupped her face. "I love you and I will never be able to apologise enough times for what I said to you and how I've treated you."

Sansa closed her eyes and gently grabbed my wrists. "I understand."

"You do?"

"I do, you were just protecting me. It still hurts to know you slept with Cersei and maybe slept with her many more times...But it's not what you wanted, correct?"

"I want you." I said leaning forward, resting my forehead on hers. "I only want you. I don't want anyone else. I just want you."

"And I want you."

Sansa wrapped her arms around my neck and closed the small gap between us, giving me the most loving filled kiss I have ever experienced. My hands went to her back as she gently pushed me down so I was laying down.

She pulled away, breaking the kiss, I looked deep into her eyes, watching as they filled with tears. "What are we going to do?"

I used my thumb to wipe her tears, keeping my hand on her cheek. "I don't know, but we'll figure it out. I won't let her hurt you."

"I'm not afraid of being hurt. I will take a thousand beatings from that wicked woman, I am just afraid that one day, you'll love her."

"Sansa Stark, I've told you before, I have loved you since we were children and I will continue to love you. I love you forever."

She smiled and leaned back down, kissing me once more.

As much as I wanted to, Sansa and I didn't sleep with each other. We just kissed and held each other until it began to get light outside, then it was time for her to go. I was sad, but it was too risky for her to be here when Cersei and whoever her spies were, were awake.

When Sansa had left, I managed to sleep for a few hours and surprisingly even though I didn't get that much sleep, I woke up feeling happy and energized. When I met up with Margaery and Olenna, they were surprised at how I was acting.

"What has you in a happy mood?" Margaery asked as I sat beside her.


Olenna raised her eyebrows but remained silent, Margaery just wrapped her arm around my shoulders, giving me a gentle side hug. "If you're ever to marry your love, I hope you know that you have my fullest support."

"I will never be able to marry her..I'm not royalty and with her being a woman, it would be frowned upon."

"Bollocks to what anyone else thinks." Olenna said, causing me to jump. "To be quite honest with you, I am tired of the royalty only being married to royalty drivel, marriage should be based on love and love alone and if that includes wanting two men or two women then so be it, it should be no crime, seven hells, I remember fucking a woman back in my younger days and it was better than any man...Well." She tilted her head to the side as she began to think. "Except your Grandfather, he had a mighty cock."

"Grandmother." Margaery said in shock.

"Oh my word." I said trying not to laugh.

"Don't look at me like that as if you're surprised. If it wasn't for him and I, you wouldn't even exist. You are welcome for your existence." Olenna said before taking a sip of her drink. "Although, Isabelle, my dear...I do wish you had better taste in women...I mean, Cersei? There's something not right with her, she's hiding something."

"It's not Cersei I love."

Olenna looked towards Margaery, her eyes slightly wide. "Well, that is a surprise."


"Grandmother no." Margaery said quickly. "It's not me."

"Oh thank the gods." Olenna said placing her hand over her heart.

"Why would that be a problem?" I asked crossing my arms. "Do you think I'm not good enough for her?"

"She's old enough to be your Mother."

"She's not that old."  I said laughing as Margaery sighed. "However...I do look at her as a Mother,  so it would be slightly abhorrent."

"Well, that only leaves the Stark girl and I'm happy it's her...But I am sorry because of her marriage."

I looked down, feeling my heart hurt. Margaery pulled me into her, giving me a comforting hug. "Don't worry, love always finds a way."

I hope she was right, I wanted nothing more than to be with Sansa. Maybe one day, we'd be together publicly, maybe one day we'd marry, without the fear and judgement of others...All I could do was hope, but I knew I should not get my hopes up too high.

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