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Isabelle's POV

I looked around at the complete destruction of King's Landing as we all walked away from the place where Cersei died. Jaime was carrying her out so she would be able to have a proper funeral. I couldn't believe that someone that I thought I knew, someone I considered a close friend...Could do something like this.

Sansa held me tightly as we walked through the ruined city, trying to find Jon. What was left of my heart just broke as I saw the burned remains of the innocent people who lived here. There were some who were just frozen like statues. Terrified families holding each other, knowing they had no escape. There were children. Fucking children.

I looked away and buried my head in Sansa's shoulder, not being able to look anymore.

"We should really tend to your wound." Sansa whispered softly.

"I'm fine." I lied, my shoulder was aching, my arm was weak, I had lost too much blood..But then, I began to feel the strength return as I saw Jon talking to Daenerys.

I rushed forward, Daenerys looked at me horrified, she tried to apologise but I didn't give her the chance to finish as I unsheathed Jon's sword and held it against her, pushing her so her back was against the wall.

"Do you have any idea of what you have done?!" I snarled as I moved the blade so it was against her neck. "Look at what you have destroyed, look at the people you have killed. These people didn't deserve this. You were going to get what you wanted but you still did this."

"They killed my son." She shouted as tears streamed down her cheeks. "They killed my baby."

"No." I pushed the sword a little further into her neck. "That bastard Ser Gregor did. The people you killed did nothing wrong, Cersei didn't deserve to die the way that she did!"

"I'm sorry." She apologised. "I'm sorry." She repeated over and over again, leaning her head against the wall in defeat. "If you must execute me for my crimes...Then please, make it quick. I will never forgive myself for this."

I began to shake with anger as the sword began to draw blood from her neck...But this isn't what I wanted. I wanted her to pay but not like this. I released my grip on her and handed Jon his sword back.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused as she fell to her knees. "Kill me."


"Kill me!"

"No." I shouted as I knelt down in front of her. "I will not kill you...I will not lose anyone else today." Daenerys lowered her head as she began to cry harder and I wrapped my arms around her. "You're grieving for your child. You fucked up, horrendously, but I will not kill you."

"What is my punishment."

"You are to give up the Iron Throne."

"But I-"

"Look at what it has caused. So many wars, so many battles, so many deaths. There doesn't need to be anymore. Why can't we all just live in peace? There is no need for war." I stood up, pulling Daenerys up with me. "We can all rule together, form a council between the kingdoms, form a council between the houses, we can join together and rule together. Work as a team so everyone may live a happy and peaceful life. We can prepare for anymore attacks from any creatures that may cause us harm like the White Walkers. There doesn't need to be one person ruling over us all. We can help each other, grow together, be happy, together...As a family. We've all been to hell and back...Together. We have done everything, together, so why not this?"

"So what do you propose we do?" Jon asked crossing his arms. "How would this work?"

"Destroy the Iron Throne. Abolish it. Everything that it stands for is wrong and is the reason so many have died. I say we just form a council between the rulers of the kingdoms, not one person, not one house, not one kingdom, rules Westeros. We all rule together." I looked at Daenerys who looked unsure about everything. "I can't force you to go ahead with this. You are the rightful heir, it is up to you, to decide."

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