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Isabelle's POV

I looked down at my father's body as he was piled on top of the other corpses. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks as I watched Ned place the torch to one of the bodies, causing a big fire to engulf the dead bodies. Sansa held my hand, giving me some comfort as Margaery wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"I just continue to get hurt. Physically and emotionally. I lose people, people betray me, people use me, I get stabbed, I get beaten...Yet it gets harder instead of easier."

"It's good that you feel such strong emotions when these sort of things happen." Margaery replied. "It means, you're still you. You still have a pure heart."

"I just want the pain to stop."

"It will one day."

I shrugged her arm off of me and I let go of Sansa's hand, feeling the need to be alone. I didn't know where I was going, I just know I needed to be alone. I just continued to walk, allowing my feet to just take me wherever it was that they wanted to go.

It was still dark, the moon was my only source of light. The sound of my footsteps was the only sound that could be heard, apart from the occasional sound of an owl making it's usual nightly call.

I looked down at the ground, watching my feet as they continued to move, I began to get lost in thought. Thinking about every little bad thing that happened to me. My father dying when I was a child, having to leave Sansa, the entire debacle with Cersei. Then there was everything that happened with Ramsay...There was also the woman in Meereen who saved me...She was dead because of me.

Margaery gave me away as a baby...

By now tears were falling more and more, I had caused the death of Eden. Two people who didn't deserve to die, died because of me. I didn't realise just how much shit I had been through and how much shit I had caused.

I stopped walking and without a second thought, I punched a tree that was beside me. I punched it over and over again, feeling so much anger and sadness escape my body with each punch. I let out a frustrated scream as I punched the tree one last time.

I stared at the tree, watching as some of my blood rolled down the bark. I looked down at my hand to see so much blood pouring from multiple cuts, but I didn't care. I clenched and un clenched my fist, making sure it wasn't broken. It did hurt, but it didn't hurt enough for it to be broken.

I turned around, looking at Winterfell behind me in the distance. Maybe it was best if I were to leave. I was the cause of so much pain and hurt, if I left...Maybe everything would be okay. But where would I go?

Another thing is...I couldn't leave Sansa. Not only would it break her heart but it would break mine. I love her more than I have loved anyone or anything. Maybe we could leave together? But would she leave her family? She's only just gotten Bran and Arya back...

I continued to walk down the long road ahead, still deciding what to do. My hand was beginning to throb as I gently held it with my other, I was surprised I had any blood left inside of me, the amount of times I had gotten stabbed, beat, cut open...It was stupid how much blood I had lost.

I looked down at my hand, looking at the ring on my finger, I knew that I just had to suck it up. People were going to die, people were going to get hurt, I was going to get hurt again, it wouldn't be my fault. Fucked up things happen and we have no control over it. It's like Brienne told me when I refused to let them burn his body, I'm grieving, something I didn't get to do as a child, I never got the chance to say good bye...But now I did.

I turned around and began to walk back to Winterfell, back to my home. The fight with the White Walkers was over but the war was far from over, we had Cersei to deal with...And I feel like Jaime wouldn't stick around to help us with that.

It was time to repair our defenses, clean up the blood and burnt bodies, it was time to make Winterfell safe and secure again...Then we would take King's Landing, Daenerys would sit on the Iron Throne where she belonged and everything would be right within the Seven Kingdoms...Hopefully.

As I walked back to Winterfell, I noticed a horse racing towards me. I narrowed my eyes as I moved out of the way. As they got closer, they slowed down and I realised it was Jaime.

"Ser Isabelle." He greeted as he removed himself from his horse. "What happened to your hand?" He asked looking down at my still bleeding hand.

"I punched a tree." I replied, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "What are you doing out here?"

"Looking for you." He said moving closer, he had a sad look in his eyes...As if he was conflicted about something. "I'm so sorry."

"What for? Has something happened to Sansa? To my mother?" I asked quickly, beginning to panic and worry about them.

"No." He shook his head. "They're fine...However...I didn't just come here...To help against the White Walkers."

"What did you come here for then?"

I watched curiously as he looked down, he looked back up whilst biting his lip, I could tell he was conflicted...My heart began to pound, as if I knew what he was going to say.


Before I could react, he raised his arm and hit me over the head with metal hand. It wasn't enough to knock me out but it was enough to send me to my knees and cause my vision to go blurry.

"I'm so sorry." He said kneeling down and gently grabbing my face. "Believe me, I really am."

Through my blurry vision, I managed to see him raise his arm again, hitting me over the head with his metal hand once more. I fell forward but he caught me, the sounds around me were beginning to fade away but I could hear him clearly, apologizing over and over...All I could think about was why...? Why has he done this? But then I realised...There was only one reason....


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