Chapter 7

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I sat by the window, looking at the view in front of me, wondering if I would ever see them again. For the past three weeks I had been absolutely heartbroken by the idea that I had let them go, or rather they had let me go. At first I had accepted it, but after a while my whole body started to become numb, had I fucked everything up? Had I fucked up any chance of being with them? Then for a bit I was confused by my own feelings, I had only seen them four times really, how much damage could they do to me? I mean four times was nothing really? Those emotions lasted for about an hour, before I burst out into sobbing and didn't stop for about 12 hours. I then became numb again, hoping that they'd give me another shot, another shot to tell them that I would be theirs until the end of time, if they chose me. If they still wanted me after giving mixed signals. Maybe they wanted someone whom would want them always, and never doubted them. Maybe they wanted someone whom wanted children right away. Maybe they wanted someone that would be submissive and be the queen they needed, rather than whom I wanted to be.

It was heartwrenching to wait here for hours and hours, days after days. I wondered if the other girls felt the same way as I did. But most importantly, I wondered if the kings had the same feelings as I did.

After what felt like forever, the door opened and I turned my head and I saw Carrie standing there with a huge smile on her face. "You look absolutely horrendous. Get your ass in the shower." She said with the biggest smile ever. I frowned looking at her, before I looked back ahead and then back at her. What?

"What?" I said and she smiled.

"Get. Your. ass. in. the. shower." She demanded and I nodded as I took a long shower, before getting out. I looked in the mirror and I saw that my red hair was a tangled mess, my eyes had huge circles under its eyes, and my eyes were red as well. I dried myself off before I went into the room and the whole team was waiting there.

"What is happening?" I asked confused and she looked at me with a small smile.

"There are only four girls left, you're one of them." She said, and the numbness that had been present in my body for the past days, disappeared. "It's time for the night dates."

"The night dates?" I asked confused and she pointed towards a chair and I went and sat on it.

"It's the dates where you spend 24 hours with each king individually." She said as if it was obvious and my eyes widened. "After this they will drop one or two more girls, after that you meet my brothers and their wife, and after that it's time for the final vote."

"Wait, what?" I asked and she nodded looking at me. "Ok. Who is first for me?" I asked as she gave me a small smile.

"I can't tell you obviously." She said casually as they started to untangle my hair. She talked on and on about the meeting they had had, that lasted for two whole weeks, all the sisters, aunts, cousins and stuff like that having to appear to allow the men to shorten the process or something like that. They all agreed on it, if it were four girls instead of two. The kings agreed on that. I was one of the four girls, which was insane just thinking about it.

After a while they finished my hair and then they did my make up and they put me in a simple dress again. I let out a small breath as they put sneakers on me, once again, and they handed me a bag. I stared at the bag and then back at Carrie whom smiled.

"You will sleep in the same room, wait no, the same bed as the king. Remember, it is of upmost importance that no one cums." She said and I giggled at that a bit, but she looked at me seriously. "I'm serious."

"I know you are." I confirmed and she gave me a small smile as I was walked down and I went towards a car that was waiting for me. I stared out, looking at the amazing city that was Prangie and after about an hour I was at a field of sorts, with in the distance loads of trees and other stuff. I didn't look at those though, because the moment that the car stopped, I saw whom my date was with, and my heart started to beat like mental. I opened the door, grabbing the bag and throwing it out before running like a madwoman.

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