Chapter 25

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"Babe?" Eddie said as we were at the dinner table with the five of us, well it was the four of us, but he had just arrived. He didn't even take the time to sit down.

"Yes?" I said with the biggest smile ever.

"Get your helmet. We're going somewhere." He said and I stared at him with my eyes widened.


"Yes. It's our night. I'm taking you somewhere." He said. "I already had your team pack a bag. Go get your helmet."


"Yes." He repeated and I cheered in excitement, giving Matt, Mike and Eric all a big peck, making them smile. I ran towards the car area and grabbed my helmet before walking towards the front door. I walked out of it and Eddie was standing there with his motorcycle and I cheered as I put my helmet on and I jumped behind him, or wanted to, but he stopped me.

"In front of me babe." He said and I cheered at that even more; I loved having my hands on his legs. We drove for about an hour before we arrived at this perfect spot, the most romantic spot I had ever seen in my life. It was my the beach, it was a small part- I had never seen something as perfect as this. I took my helmet off and I ran towards the water and I without even thinking, dove into the water. Eddie dove in after me and swam after me, it being a sort of competition. I screamed as I splashed him and he splashed me back before he grabbed me and pulled me closer and pressed his lips onto mine. We made out quite wildly before he let go of my lips.

"What is your planning for the upcoming week?" He asked and I smiled looking at him as he put my hair behind my ears.

"Uhm, I've got you tonight, then Mike, Eric and Matt. After that we have to maybe do a new competition." I said and he laughed at that as he kissed my neck; it having been a week since the previous competition.

"Sounds great." Eddie said and I nodded looking at him.

"How are you?" I demanded as I put my hands in his curls as we were floating around a bit, well I was floating; he could probably walk here.

"I'm good. Work is exhausting. This whole summit is annoyingly exhausting. But it's fine I guess." He said and I nodded. "I missed you so much." He sighed and I chuckled. "What?"

"I would say; you saw me a week ago, but I get what you mean. Whenever one of you is gone." I said shaking my head. "I'm always worried that something will happen to you. I don't know I just have this horrid feeling every time one of you is gone. I want all of you close to me at all times, not because I can deal with all of you all the time, because I physically can't." I said and he showed me the cutest smile. "But because then I know I can protect you guys."

"We don't need protection babe."

"I know, but I mean. I just, my heart doesn't beat right. Like right now I'm with you and I am so fucking happy and I know that they're safe, with the three of them. That sort of helps too." I said and he nodded looking at me as after a while my knees touched the floor and I realised we were by the side. "But like if we were here for a week instead of a night, I'd get- It's bad Ed. You don't realise how much I miss you when you're in Gotar, but then how much I miss the others when I'm with you. It's exhausting." I said and he smiled looking at me.

"It's exhausting being without you too." He said as he traced my lip with his thumb. "Like genuinely. I love my trait, and it helps the anxiety that I have sometimes, or just the itch." He said and I nodded looking at him with so much interest, he was so fucking handsome. "But with you, I'm just calm."

"So you could go without the itch for years if you were just with me?"

"No." He said and I smiled at that. "One, because I know you'd be miserable without Matt, Mike and Eric." He said and I chuckled at that. "And it doesn't work like that. It's like a mosquito bite you know. You know it's there, and you're careful to not come to close. But after a while you just have to itch."

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