Chapter 17

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"I'm a lucky as fuck bitch." I stated five days later. We had arrived on the yacht and I had taken some time to freshen up before walking up on the deck. I had just lowered my sunglasses, as I saw my four husbands sitting on the deck, only wearing their swimwear trouser thingies. I had no idea what they were called, the only thing I knew was that it was too much clothing for my liking. It was fucking surreal that they were mine. Forever. For always. Until the end of time and more.

The four of them looked up at me, and all their eyes went up and down my body. They all knew what I looked like underneath the shirt of Eddie's I was wearing. They all knew what sounds I made when I was in optimal bliss. They all knew what I tasted like. They knew.

"We are too." Matt then said right away and I couldn't help but smile as I sat down and decided to join them in card games for a bit.

Eddie then helped me with an instagram account and I chose a picture of me at the wedding as my profile picture. My first post was a picture of my four husbands at my wedding. My pride. My everything. I was trending within seconds, as Eddie also helped me with Twitter and I had millions of likes.

I turned up the music a bit and after a while we arrived somewhere where we could swim and I screamed excited as we could jump off the yacht so that's what I did and I squealed as I arrived at the water. I swam back up and I saw my four husbands jumping down and I laughed very loudly as I swam towards Matt and I put my arms around him and he put his hands back on my bum as we were laughing a bit in the water. We jumped a couple of times before we chilled and I got some alcohol and I danced to the music a bit excited, as I loved music.

I, after a while, jumped off the boat again squealing. I got out from the water and I then decided I was done with jumping so I dried myself off and I grabbed a shirt of Matt's, one of his buttoned up shirts and I didn't button it up. I then braided my hair, as it was wet. A song that I didn't know came on and Eric stood up and held out his hand to me and my eyes widened and I grabbed it and he twirled me around and he danced around with me and I laughed and he giggled as he gave my cheek a kiss.

I sat down and I took a sip of my drink now and I moved my head to the music excitedly. I sang along to some songs and after a while I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back, I saw that my husbands were all sitting there, smoking cigars. I took some pictures with my phone and they all posed for me, blowing out smoke and shit and I giggled at that a bit. I then climbed over Michael and Eric moving my body a bit, them staring at me in hunger, making me giggle, I then went and sat on Eddie's lap, whom put his arms around me.

"Can I post this picture on instagram with under it 'Luckiest woman alive'?" I asked as I showed him a picture that was of the four of them sitting there with just their swimming shorts and then their immensely sexy looks staring ahead and cigar smoke. "Black and white?"

"Matt?" Eddie said "I'm too tipsy to make this decision?" I showed the picture to Matt and he shrugged.

"Go ahead. Whenever you post a pic of one of us, do ask us please." He asked and I put me head back and pouted my lips and he giggled as he gave me a peck. I then posted it with under it "Luckiest woman alive <3" They then played a game called 'rik' and I played with Eddie as I leaned against his head. We laughed loads and I stood up after a while, climbing over my husbands, holding onto their heads so I wouldn't fall.

"You do know you're torturing all of us yeah?" Matt asked and I turned my head and I looked down at my butt which he was very obviously looking at.

"You can't complain, you can get this butt tonight. They can't." I said and Eric burst out into laughter and Matt looked up at me hungrily and I giggled as I went to the bathroom and I went and sat on Matt's lap now, him wrapping his arms around me.

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