Chapter 36

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I woke up some time later and when I opened my eyes, I wasn't immensely exhausted. From the feeling that coursed through my body, I knew that Eric was laying next to me, or rather sitting. He was the best bed cuddler-he was just so fucking comfortable, it was annoying really. I often complained about that to him, which in return made him smile that darned fucking smile of his.

I always stated that Eric was the best bed cuddler, that Mike was the best couch cuddler, that Eddie was the best in front facing hugs, and Matt was the best in hugs from the back. They understood and accepted that. And if they didn't? Too fucking bad.

I turned around right away, putting my arm around Eric, but I couldn't because he had a laptop. So I decided to shove his laptop off of him onto the floor and I held onto him immensely tightly. His body shook a bit because of laughter.

"Babe, we're in a meeting. The laptop is needed." Eddie said with a smile in his voice. I frowned? Why on earth was I hearing Eddie's voice?

"Eric." I muttered and I held onto him tighter.

"Yes. Eric is laying next to you. Matt, Mike and I are sitting here." Eddie said, hoping I'd look at him, but Eric was just too fucking comfortable.

"I need Eric to cuddle, he doesn't need a laptop. You need a laptop." I sighed annoyed and Eric let out a giggle. I put my hand under his shirt to feel his skin, his dick right away responding, but I ignored that. He just had such a fucking comfortable stomach, his skin was so soft and perfect. He was perfect.

"That's not really how it goes." Matt said in a dry voice.

"Well fuck you." I muttered under my breath before raising my voice slightly. "Eric went on trips in the past what? Weeks? How long have I been laying here?"

"Two months." Eric's godly voice stated.

"Two months." I added before I frowned. HOW? "Two months?" I asked confused.

"Yes. Two months." Eric confirmed.

"He's abandoned me for at least two weeks. All the mayors are shitting their pants because Eric is great at his work and they wished they were as hot as Eric was. Everyone loves him, because look at his perfect face. How could they not?" I complained. "And he loves me. That's all that you need to know."

"It's a bit more than that sadly enough. If it had been that much, my job would've not been needed."

"It isn't needed Matt. You're a glorified report reader." I muttered. "I've told you countless times that it isn't needed. It's so fucking extra."

"It is extra, literally, there is another king so I'm doing it as an extra thing."

"Exactly, it's patronising as well. Ooeee I'm Matt and I'm 34 minutes elder because Mike was a shit whom didn't want to come out, and because I've got 34 minutes on this earth I have way more life experience and can judge the reports that my way more qualified brothers have written. I mean Mike has three bachelors and four masters, Eddie is a fucking doctor, and Eric has a PHD, and you think you can judge what they're writing and have an opinion on it? Mister 3 bachelor and 1 masters." I said and I heard giggling and I opened one eye and Matt had a huge smile on his face as he looked at me. "So let me cuddle with PHD next to me, and I'll answer anything you need to know from Eric. The answers, in no particular order is 'Yes, No, maybe, of course, hate the idea, love the idea, sounds good, sounds like shit, I'm hot.'."

"Anyway." Matt said.

"You hate that I'm right, I can just feel it."

"I don't hate it." Matt stated and they talked a bit, before I suddenly realised something.

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