Chapter 28

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Oliver P.O.V

"Oliver you can't do this!" Willow kept screaming over and over again. It was exhausting really. As if she actually thought  that that wailing of her would stop me. As if she really thought I  wouldn't let Matt pay for hurting the Godess of fucking Seglusa. Was she crazy? And what about Mike, Eddie and Eric? Did they take his side- if that was the case, I'd murder them all. I'd spend the rest of my life in Gotar, or I'd become king along with Lucas. I didn't care. But you didn't do shit like that.

"STOP it." I snarled towards Willow as we were walking towards the front door and I turned around. "Stop. It!" I added and I opened the door of the castle.

To my huge surprise, I saw my four elder brothers standing there yelling at one another, and our fathers and mother were in the corner standing in front of Danny, Leila and Lottie, whom were all staring at this in shock.

"Papa please stop him." Willow started, but I ignored that; everyone ignored that, because everyone just realised I was here. My four brothers all turned their heads and they saw me; and they realised I was Prince Oliver of fucking Gotar, instead of their little brother.

I walked up towards Matt, whose eyes widened in utter fear and he actually took a step back; yes be fucking afraid. Mike though, the annoying little shit, stood in front of him now.

"Mike. Take a step back. Now." I breathed, or tried to. "I don't want to hurt you yet, you'll be later when I figure out your role in this. Right now I've only got a problem with him."

"Oliver. Don't." Mike said as he kept put in front of Matt. "They have fights all the time." He said and I looked away from Matt and looked straight into Mike's eyes.

"And you allow that to happen? To the Goddess of Selgusa?" I said, my hands shaking; it was worse than I thought. Fucking hell, I'd have to murder all these fucks and i'd have to rule with Eli and Lucas wouldn't I? I'd have to be Leader King of this miserable place and I was so not bothered to do that. King of Security? Sure. Domestic? Fine. International? Sure. But Leader king? fuck. 

"They always make up. It's just a bit of yelling. It isn't like before. I swear on my life." Mike said, stopping my mind from going to the worst places; me having to become Leader King.  I heard Lucas next to me scoff and that reminded me of why I was here. Because that fucker behind Mike had laid his hands on her. 

"Well I guess you're dead then." Lucas said and I looked at him, silencing him, and he shut up, before I turned my head towards Mike.

"It isn't like before you say?" I said looking into Mike's eyes, taking a step forward. He kept put; fuck he was brave. "So who is the ginger haired girl on my couch, with blood gushing out of her nose, her eye the size of a tennis ball, and holding onto her neck for dear life?" I snarled and Mike stared at me and I saw genuine confusion in his eyes.

"Papa. Please. Help. Stop Eddie and Eric. Please stop him too!" Willow said through her sobs. "He won't-" But I held up my hand and she shut up.

"What was your plan Matthew?" I snarled towards him as Michael had taken a step sideways and he was staring at Matthew in shock. Eric and Eddie both transformed into the Kings of Gotar as well, staring- no glaring at Matthew. "Convince her to tell the rest of her husbands that you two fought, and that she left the house and she was attacked? That way you could stay with her? Did you really think that could happen? Did you even think it through? Or are you just that fucking stupid?" I yelled at him as I then in one snap grabbed Matthew by his neck and smashed him against the wall. "Is this what you like Matthew? Seeing the hopelessness in women's eyes as you take the life out of them? See the people that love you, adore you, cherish you, take their last breath in your hand. Do you like to see their panic?" I said.

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