Chapter 39

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It was currently the first day of the third week and my class had just finished.

"I'm going to do one slope before lunch ok?" I said to Robin and Rachel and they nodded excited. "The blue one I think." I said and they nodded.

"Sounds great." They said and we went towards the lift. Robin and Rachel had really turned into friends of mine in the past three weeks. They had always been in my security team, but now we were really getting to know one another.

They were twins and both went into security. They both had boyfriends whom were great and they were in Matt's security team actually, which I thought was adorable. They were both thinking about marriage and it was great to hear. They were both really funny.

We arrived at the top and speaking of the devil; Matt was there with his team coming from the other lift.

"Hey fucker!" I yelled with the biggest smile as Matt was talking to Robins boyfriend. "YOU TERRORIST!" I yelled again and Robin and Rachel laughed. Matt turned his head with his king look before he saw me and the biggest smile appeared on his face as he shook his head. I slid over towards him. "We're doing the blue one before lunch. Wanna join?" I asked and Matt stared at me and then turned around his head before looking at me. "Yes. You." I said with a huge smile on my face. "I've really improved and I want you to see it."

"Sure." He said nodding. "Ken, Will, you two ok with that?"

"Of course." They both said at the same time and I smiled looking at them.

"Did you know that your two security dudes are dating my two security girls?" I said casually as he was putting his foot in his snowboard.

"I did. It's one of the reasons they were hired. That way our security could have some fun as well if we ever went anywhere." He explained to me and I stared at him for a second as he stood up to look at me.

"That does make sense." I confirmed.

"I know right." He said.

"Did you go off slope a lot today?" I asked as we slid over towards the blue slope.


"You're snowboarding, so you're going off slope right?"

"O- yeah. We went off slope. It was a tad scary though, so I aint doing that shit anymore. Love my life a bit too much." He said and I laughed at that a bit and he smiled looking at me. "Go ahead, I want to watch you."

"Ok, but remember, this is my third week." I said and he smiled and nodded. "Don't judge too much."

"I won't. I swear." He said putting his hand on his heart and I chuckled as I then skied down a bit before I stopped where Rachel and her boyfriend Will were and I smiled. I turned around and I saw Matt snowboard down with ease along with Ken and Robin behind them. They stopped by me.

"Can I give you a pointer, or do you just want to hear how fucking amazing you are?" Matt asked and I smiled even wider; that he asked instead of just giving me pointers. Annoying fuck.

"You can give me pointers." I confirmed and he smiled.

"Look ahead, you're looking at the end of your skies, just look one meter ahead, that way you stand a little less..." he said trying to look for the word. "Anal?" He said and I burst out into laughter at that and he laughed looking at me. "Here wait. Ken, can we switch?"

"Sure." Ken said amused as he actually took off his skies and ski shoes. "We have the same size, my queen." He explained "And same height. Another reasons why I was hired for these trips. I snowboard and ski, so if he ever wants to switch it off." He explained and I nodded looking at him as Matt then had the skies on.

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