Chapter 76

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After the summit was finished, Naomi stayed for an extra day, and so did Oliver and they didn't leave their room. The two of them were really fucking disgusting, but totally fucking adorable in my opinion. It was nice to see Naomi so happy and so calm. She had an inner peace that I had never seen her do before. The same was for Oliver, he was calmer, he was kinder, it was great to see him the way he was.

During that day off, I spend it in the library that was here and I read so many books, before falling asleep on the couch here. When I woke up, I was still in the library. I looked at the time and I realised we were leaving quite quickly. I stood up and I cleaned up the place a bit before I ran up the stairs towards the family wing and I took a quick shower before dressing myself in whatever I felt like.

I walked to the helicopter and I saw that Oliver was sitting on the stairs of his airplane, while Naomi was in between his legs. He had his hands on her bum, and she had her hands in his hair. I smiled at that as I climbed into the helicopter and Eli was sitting there.

"How long have they been like that?" I signed.

"For half an hour now." He signed back and I chuckled a tad. The two of them made out one last time, gave each other kisses, she would walk away, before turning back around and giving him more kisses. It was disgusting really. After a while, she climbed into the helicopter though and there were some tears in her eyes as she looked out the window.

It was a quiet ride back and that evening, we laid in my bed and talked about everything they discussed for hours. She really really liked him, and the feelings were immensely mutual. She was really falling for him, like falling in love kind of falling, which was amazing to hear.

She went back to work the next day and for the next couple of weeks, she was a tad different, she got sadder, and less 'inner peace'-like as time passed.

Luckily for her, and quite frankly for me, Oliver came back after four weeks and she went to Gotar. This meant that I had the weekend for myself, which was nice in it's own.

I went into town to look at some clothes and after a while I walked past the art gallery of Ana Johnson and I let out a small breath as I decided to walk into it. The bell rang and Travis looked up, looked back down and did a double take. He stared at me, not knowing what to say really. I smiled looking at him.

"Hi. Is your wife here today?"

"Yes. She's in the back working. Do you want to go to her?" Travis asked.

"Would she mind? I don't want to intrude?" I asked and he gave me a small smile.

"After everything that you've been through, you can always bother her, according to her." He said with a small smile and I nodded looking at him as I walked through the door that lead out back. I walked through a hallway, where there were different sorts of splatters all over and I smiled at that a bit, I loved the vibe. I walked further and I arrived in a room that was immensely sunny, there was glass everywhere. I saw paintings standing by rows on the side, and after a bit I saw Ana sitting on her knees on the floor. She was wearing a white shirt with a jean jumpsuit thing, she had her hair in a bun on the top of her head and she was concentrating.

"Travis let me in." I said carefully and she looked up and she slipped from her elbows, before catching herself and she sat up a tad straighter as she looked at me.

"Kitty." She breathed looking at me and I nodded looking at her. "O my lord. Of course. Come in. Sit down if you want." She said looking around and I mailed and nodded as I went and sat down on the floor by the painting.

"What are you working on?" I asked.

"A project for the town hall her in Yordan." She said and I looked at it, there were lots of colours and it was really great. It was large though.

"It's rather big."

"Yeah." She said with a proud look on her face. I smiled looking at her. "You want to try?" She asked and she stood up before I could answer and she handed me a canvas and I smiled looking at her.

For the next couple of hours I spend my time painting while talking with Ana about everything and nothing really; except for my trauma. It was nice, I liked painting; it was calming. After a while, I went and sat on the floor just like her and I put the canvas against the chair that was here and she smiled at that.

The door opened and I heard a voice state "Mooooom." I smiled a bit as Ana looked up and her face lit up. I followed her glance and it was Nick, her son, the DJ, the guy that looked more like Mike than Matt did. He looked at his mother with the biggest smile ever before his eyes went over towards where I was sitting.

"Kitty?" He said shocked and I smiled looking at him. "What are you doing here?" He said as he leaned down and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"I live in Yordan now." I said and he nodded carefully looking at me. "Have to find myself." I said carefully and he looked at me.

"Well, this is the perfect place to do so." He confirmed looking at me. "I love the hair by the way."

"Thank you." I said softly looking at him and I felt a bit of sadness creeping in. He put his hand through his hair in the same way he would do. Ana saw me looking at Nick and sadness appeared in her eyes as well.

"Everything ok love?" Ana asked Nick and Nick stared at her with a huge smile.

"Yeah. I just got confirmation from them that I'm allowed to do the world tour." He said and her eyes widened in excitement.

"NO WAY!" She gasped excited and she squealed in enthusiasm and I smiled looking at her hugging Nick and giving him kisses all over his face.

"I'm so proud of you my boy." She said wiping tears from her face. "Security is in place though?"

"Of course." He confirmed looking at me. "My team is now looking at where I can stay and stuff like that."

"That's great." I said with a huge smile. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you." He said and I nodded looking at him. "Can I join you ladies?"

"I don't mind. Would you?"

"No. It will be nice to have a mini male Hugo around me, alive and breathing," I said as I was concentrating on the painting. I looked up and Ana and Nick were both staring at me with tears in their eyes.

"I forgot. Fuck. Sorry." Nick said.

"No. It's genuinely fine." I said with a small smile. "Trust me."

"Ok." He said and we talked loads throughout and Travis joined us when it started to get dark. After a while their three daughters arrived home and they saw me and they bowed. They all were such beautiful specimens, it making me smile. We ate dinner while we were painting.

At one point, I couldn't help but start to sing some words and he picked up on that and he wrote them down. He gave it to Ana, whom rewrote some parts and they showed it to me. The song was called 'Enchanted'. It was exactly what I was experiencing right now with them; it was great. Tears appeared in my eyes.

"This is amazing." I said looking at Ana and Nick.

"Can I record it?" Nick asked as Ana looked at him shocked, but recovered.

"Of course." I confirmed. "Will you sing it?" I asked Ana. "I'm so obsessed with Love Story, that I'd- I'm sorry."

"It would be an honour." She confirmed and I smiled at that a bit as I continued to paint my third painting right now. I stayed here until the middle of the night, before I decided to go home.

My security was waiting outside. I gave all of them a hug and thanked them for allowing me into their home, before I went home.

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and I couldn't help but burst out into sobs after a while.

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