Chapter 74

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"So what exactly is this summit?" I asked as I was sitting on the bed with a robe on as Eric was dressing himself in a suit.

"All the Districts are coming, along with their second in command, and their segment leaders." He explained and I nodded staring at him with interest, fuck he was hot. Concentrate. "And their second in commands as well. We're to discuss what the biggest problems are in each segment and how we can solve them. We are broadcasting this to have total transparency towards the world." He said. "And to show them who is boss obviously." He added and I chuckled at that a bit. "You're more than welcome, you know that right?"

"I would love to, but I absolutely adore my anonymity with my hair this way, and I don't want to dye it another colour." I said and he smiled a bit looking at me as he sat in front of me on his bench thing to put his shoes on.

"There is a wig in my closet for you, we thought you'd say that you see?" He said with a huge smile on his face. "It's a wig that you can wear and there are clothes there you can chose from." He said and he stood up and he put a strand of hair behind my ear. "But if you don't feel comfortable, then stay home. But I'd love for you to be there." He then pressed a kiss on my forehead. I looked at him for a couple of seconds and nodded as he walked out. I went towards Eric's changing room and I saw the wig there and the biggest smile appeared on my face.

It was a wig with immensely long straight hair, with my original colour. It looked perfect. I braided my hair to the back, controlling it, and I put the wig on, glueing it with the stuff that was here. I looked through the clothes and I decided on a black jumpsuit and put it on. I then grabbed a headband of sorts and put that on before grabbing a pair of sunglasses.

I grabbed a purse and I walked down the stairs and towards the car that was waiting for me. I looked around at Prangie while I was being driven before I arrived at town hall.

There were men with camera's there, and also photographers, which was interesting. The security guard walked towards the car door and opened it and held out his hand. I grabbed it and I walked out and I felt flashes appear by me, but I ignored that. I kept walking. I knew that this was a moment; this was the first time that I had publicly appeared ever since the beginning of the fucking war. I put my hair behind my shoulders for a second, loving this vibe, it reminded me of the pictures that I had taken with Matt once when we had a date night and I had straightened my hair.

I arrived at the door towards the meeting area and I handed a personal assistant of someone my purse, grabbing out the phone first and putting it in my pocket, I handed her my sunglasses and she gave me a small smile and a bow. I smiled back at her as the doors opened.

I took in the room at first. I knew the camera's were on and that they had already started.

All the Kings and Queens were sitting with their backs facing me, in a sort of C formation situation. Their second in commands were on the first row at the front and behind them were six coulombs, which each ten rows, with each row having two people there. Nobody stopped talking as they didn't notice I was here yet, but the security people saw me and one of them walked out a door. Matt turned his head sideways slightly and he saw me through the corner of his eyes and he stood up right away and the person that was talking, stopped right away. Matt took a step to the side and he put his hands on the chair for a second before he turned his head towards me, that's when the other Kings and Queens noticed me and they turned their head and they did a double take before they stood up and did the same as Matt.

The security guard walked towards Matt, whom moved his chair towards Eddie whom was sitting next to him a bit more and I saw that my chair was placed in between Matt and Eric. That was good. I then saw that the six leaders of the segments and their second in commands had all stood up and all their eyes widened, before they put their head down. Good. Fear me.

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