Chapter 78

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It was the tenth of November and it was Naomi's birthday party. In the past six weeks she had not seen Oliver and she was slightly on edge, but she was immensely excited about her birthday party. We were having the party at my house, well our house. She had invited all of her childhood friends, as it wasn't everyday someone turned 24, according to her. She had invited all her colleagues, and other friends. Nobody knew that I was, well me. I used the name 'Kate' whenever I wasn't well, the queen.

There were over a hundred people in the garden, under a tent. There was a DJ, and a bar. People were enjoying themselves, talking to one another. Naomi walked around talking to everyone and she was immensely excited about everything. I was having fun on my own as well. The people were nice and were interested in me as a person. They didn't know who I was; and they treated me just like any other human being on this earth. I loved it.

Naomi, I knew, told everyone that she had a boyfriend whom worked in government in Prangie, and that he couldn't come because of the two different districts. They were having a long distance relationship. Everyone accepted it and comforted her about the fact that she didn't have her boyfriend here.

I knew Oliver felt bad, as he kept texting me for the past couple of hours to ask if she was all right, if she was enjoying herself, and if she was ok. I kept sending the same back 'Stop feeling guilty. She loves you and she understands why you can't be here.' Every time he would send back a thumbs up, before ten minutes later sending the same thing. He currently was fighting a rebellion of sorts in Askad, as some people disagreed. I didn't really care for war stuff, because I was too busy with myself at the moment.

People wondered why I had this large of a house, but Naomi told everyone that my parents were important or something, but they died in the war; just like hers did. I went with that and I let the rumour mill go a bit, I didn't mind it. I liked the fact that people treated me like a normal person.

Some guys were trying to hit on me, and I let them try, but I didn't go for it. I knew I was free, I knew that I had no obligation to the Three Kings of Locatlie- The world. But there was a part of me that didn't want to be with anyone but them; so I let them flirt with me, I flirted back, but I never let them make any moves. They were fine with that. I, myself, told anyone that asked that I, like Naomi, had a boyfriend that worked in government in Prangie and that I had a long distance relationship.

I grabbed my phone and I saw that Oliver had sent me a text 'Where is she? Is she enjoying herself?' I chuckled as I sent him back. 'Bye Oliver.' And he sent a middle finger back and I chuckled as I then snapped a picture of Naomi smiling very widely while talking to some random woman that I had no idea existed before that, and I sent it to him. He sent me three hearts back.

I walked up towards Naomi and she smiled looking at me. "Your boyfriend is being annoying." I said showing her all the texts and her face totally lit up.

"Tell him I miss him."

"I think he knows." I replied back and she chuckled and nodded as she went to get some drinks and I decided I needed to use the bathroom. I looked in the mirror while washing my hands and I looked at my brown hair; I had straightened it for today and it came to my bum. I was wearing a simple black dress and I let out a deep breath as I was exhausted. This amount of people was just too much for me. But this was Naomi's day; not mine.

I walked out of the bathroom and I went towards the hallway to go back inside when I heard the door open and I turned my head; nobody was allowed to go in the house; there were bathrooms outside; why was someone coming through the front door. But the moment I saw the person standing there I screamed in excitement and Oliver looked at me with the biggest smile ever as he closed the door behind himself; it was currently two at night.

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