Chapter 79

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I walked into the airplane, following Oliver and Naomi; or rather Oliver, as Naomi was currently on his back, her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, her lips on his cheeks, giving him thousands of kisses. It was disgusting really, but if my memory served me correctly; I had been the same with the three kings of the world.

When I walked in, I saw the people that were here; all the Queens and Kings of this world, their significant others, their second in commands, and lastly; I saw my three husbands. They were sitting in a booth with the three of them, one chair empty. In the booth next to them sat Olivia with her three husbands. Oliver walked with Naomi towards their booth and I had this feeling I had to sit by my husbands. Eddie was the first to notice me and a huge smile showed on his face; I was going to sit next to him.

"Hey." I said as I climbed over him towards my seat. Eric and Matt both looked up and showed their huge smiles.

"Hey. How are you?" Eddie asked as he looked at me and I nodded.

"Trying to recover from PDA-fest over there." I said pointing behind me, where Naomi was currently sitting next to Oliver, but her legs were over him and he had his arms round her and they were currently kissing and laughing. "It's hard to hold back puke."

"I can imagine." Matt confirmed looking at Naomi and Oliver before turning back around to look at me. "It's nice that you're joining us."

"Yeah, Oliver mentioned something about it only being us there, so that's good." I said carefully and Matt nodded at that.

"Yeah, it will only be our family. Well the majority of our family actually, this is just one plane." He stated and I nodded as I put my bag by the place next to my feet and I put my seatbelt on and I grabbed the blanket that was here.

"Who is going to be running the countries then?" I asked curiously as I grabbed the bottle of water from Eddie's hand and he smiled at that a bit looking at me.

"We will. We're staying in the same village as we always stayed, but they've adjusted the houses. Well demolished them- well no we demolished them in the war." Matt corrected and I smiled a bit at that. "They've been rebuilding for the past two years. It's a city now, with large houses for each family member and their families, and then there is a security headquarters there." He explained and I nodded looking at him with interest.

"And we'll be there for a month?"

"We can stay there how long we feel comfortable." Eric replied, and I nodded at that as I took a sip of my water as I looked sideways at Olivia whom was cuddled up to Luther now and I let out a deep sigh as I looked back straight ahead.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm exhausted, I had to stay in another house and it wasn't my bed." I explained and Eric frowned at that.

"Why did you have to stay at another house?"

"Because Oliver arrived at around two, and I kicked everyone away from the party, because they were about to give a live porn showing." I said casually as I grabbed my sleeping mask. "And I really was not bothered with hearing the two of them ruin one another."

"Ok." Eric said. "That does make sense."

"I know right." I replied with a small smile as I then adjusted the chair so that it was basically a bed and I turned my head; there was no pillow, but Eddie then handed me two pillows.


"Of course." Eddie said and I put the pillows down and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, my legs weren't where they were supposed to be; they were over Eddie's lap. Apparently he had taken the 'divider' between the two of us off, and my legs were over his legs and my head was against his waist; as he was sitting. I stretched my arms before I slowly sat up and adjusted the chair. I looked at the divider and then at Eddie whom gave me a small smile.

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