Chapter 128

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I didn't know where I got the strength from to walk away from the door and walk towards the hallway after I heard that. But then again I couldn't quite remember how I did that, it was as if there was some automatic pilot situation going on right now. I walked through the hallway and didn't hear anything and I couldn't process things. The cramps in my body were getting heavier with every step I took, the knife that was in my heart twisted and turned with every step, with every breath. My lungs lost its purpose with every breath and I felt like I couldn't breathe; I couldn't breathe.

This couldn't be happening could it? He lied to me- he lied to all of us. At first, with the first sentence, I thought it might just be a friend or something. I didn't- but he was- he was still with Kim throughout all the nights we'd just spend together. He betrayed me, he betrayed us. It- this. This.

But I couldn't' breathe anymore, nor walk, everything in my body froze up and the pain that coursed through it, dominated. I fell to the floor and let out a scream that went through my core, a scream that I knew could be heard all through the castle. I couldn't stop the scream as I grabbed my belly as it hurt so much, it hurt so much, everything hurt so much. I couldn't concentrate on what happened after that, I couldn't- I couldn't breathe properly. My whole body was broken once again.

I didn't realise that Eddie opened the door and ran to me and saw the blood by my legs. I didn't realise that Eric and Matt ran up the stairs from their wing to mine, as they heard it, and smashed open the door as they saw Eddie trying to calm me down through my screaming. I didn't see a lot of the help staring at this in shock, not knowing what to do. I didn't see Luther walking through one of the doors as well, as he was apparently in the family wing, and telling his sons what to do.

I didn't realise that Eddie carried me and brought me to the hospital area in this castle and placed me on the bed. I didn't realise anything, all I could do was scream in pain. I couldn't do this. I couldn't do this again.

This wasn't fair. This wasn't fucking fair. This wasn't fair. This pain in my body, just take me, take me, take me to Mike, take me to Lottie. I think I even said that at one point 'Just take me to Mike, Just take me to Mike' over and over again as I was shaking, the pain was so bad. I felt someone holding my arms down as I wanted to hold onto my belly to relieve my pain and I felt something being pricked in it.

I didn't realise that Matt, Eric and Eddie were in pure panic while the doctors arrived. I didn't realise that I was currently going into labour. I didn't realise that I was making everything more complicated by screaming at the top of my lungs. I didn't realise that I was making the doctors job harder with screaming and not being responsive to his questions.

So they did what they thought was best, but not for me, no, but for the babies in my belly; as that was their priority now; the future of Locatlie, and they sedated me, before putting a mask over my screaming mouth and I screamed in fear, trying to fight, trying to hit everyone around me, trying to escape; trying to save Mike.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM." I screamed before the mask was placed on my mouth and when I breathed in whatever was in that mask, everything became fuzzy and I blinked a couple of times. I saw that Matt was holding onto one arm, tears streaming down his face and pure panic in his eyes as he saw me. I saw Eric holding down my other arm and he was shaking and mouthing things to me, something with safe, but how could I ever be safe?

I then stared ahead and I saw that Eddie was holding up my legs and he was looking at me with worry and a pain; a worry and pain that was fake and as I fell asleep or into whatever abyss I was, the last thing I saw, was the reason for all this pain, for this heartache. 

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