Chapter 122

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We went back to Locatlie the next morning because Matt had some important meetings and I just wanted to lay in my own bed. I wasn't angry at Eddie or anything and I reassured him of that. I was just exhausted by this whole '2 day trip' we were having, and the fact that you know, I met a person that I was already more in love with than myself; Charlie.

When we arrived home, Matt and Eric right away had to go to the meeting, and Eddie right away had to go back to Gotar. This meant that I had some time to just have a chill day, but I then realised something; I was fucking pregnant.

I right away went towards the hospital here in Prangie to ask for an ultra sound. She first asked me all kinds of questions about how I ate and crap like that, it annoying me. But after a while, I was laying on my back and she was putting that fucking stick in me. I was a bit stressed about it and my heart rate went out of this world. But I calmed down the moment she said that I would see the footage soon.

I looked at the screen and I took a couple of deep breaths as I looked at the screen and that's when I saw what I saw and I literally fainted.

When I got woken up by the doctor, she told me to breath, but how could I fucking breathe. I looked back at the screen where I saw three dots; meaning I was having fucking triplets. Why on earth would I be getting fucking triplets, this was insane. I mean, this was just barbaric in my opinion. She showed me the three little heartbeats and I was excited about it and a tad calm. I mean, my mind was also going into overdrive, because what if it were three boys, that meant that I had the kings all out fo the way, but that also meant that only one of my husbands would be getting sons that would rule the world and I didn't want that. Not that I had a choice in the matter, and I mean, Christian seemed ok with it right? But then again, his two sons were currently ruling almost half of the fucking world.

She then told me everything that I needed to know and all that crap and I nodded as I decided to go for a walk with my bag with the echo's in my bag and somehow ended up at the house where Christian, Luther, Daniel and Olivia were staying at. It was the house by the private mountain, which Queen Julia had made.

I rang the doorbell and the door got opened by Luther whom looked at me sleepy and he stared at me for a second, looking me up and down. "Hi." He said and I saw that he was shirtless and only wearing his underwear. "Uhm, Olivia, Daniel and Christian aren't here. Do you want to come in though?" He said as I didn't respond and I nodded slowly looking at him and he nodded as he opened the door for me. "I'm going to get dressed. You get yourself comfortable, I've got those cookies you absolutely adore in the cupboard." He said and I nodded as I walked through the house. It didn't have three 'wings' peruse, but I did know that it had three bedrooms that were sound proof and styled to their liking.

I went towards the large kitchen that was here, which I called the 'show' kitchen, as there was also a kitchen where people actually cooked and worked for them. I opened the drawers before finding the cookies and I went and sat on the couch that was here, before standing up and looking at the 'picture wall' that Olivia had and I smiled a bit as I looked at all the different pictures.

The pictures were mainly of the four of them when they were younger, when they were on their honeymoon, and just romantic moments between them. I smiled as I saw a picture of Luther when he was younger with Olivia, both of them having their perfect smiles. I mean, Eric had Olivia's smile, and Mike used to have Luther's smile. I stared at that for a very long time before I heard Luther walk in.

"That was after we had our first huge fight, I took her away for the weekend." Luther said carefully and I stared at him with a small smile before looking back at the picture. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

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