Chapter 52

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After we got that information, we knew that they were on international waters. We looked at all the satellite footage, but in case you forgot; the ocean was fucking large. It was exhausting. Absolutely exhausting really. I didn't know really how to cope with it, so I spend most of my time in Gotar inflicting pain to random fuckers the way they did to Mike and Kitty.

Selfishly, I was fucking pissed off. I had just gotten Kitty back in my life and now some rats thought they could take her away from me and use her the way they wanted. They were nothing to me, and yet they had taken everything from me. Not only Kitty.

Mike too. Mike was my- I was put on this earth with him. We had spend our time in the womb together. We grew up together. We were a team. Everyone in this world, even Eddie and Eric to a certain extent, treated me a certain way from the moment I was born. I was to be the Leader King of this country. I was to rule this world. I was to be the most powerful man in this world, because that was what happened when you were the Leader King of Locatlie. The responsibility alone gave me a headache. And yet, there was one person in this world that didn't do that. Who called me out on my shit, Who accepted and loved me for who I was as a person and that was Mike. Mike was my fucking everything if not more. I loved him to pieces. He was my sanity. He was the person I spoke to whenever I wasn't sure what to do, and we didn't always need to use words. 

He knew how my mind worked, because his mind worked sort of the same, in a fucked up way. He was just better at hiding the dark part of him. He was also not the Leader king. He was my best friend. Since he was gone, it was fucking hard to concentrate. All I could think about now, was what he had seen. Had he seen Kitty being hurt? Or was this the first time he had seen her that way? 

I could just imagine the mental pain he was going through right now, and I hadn't even thought about the physical pain. They had chopped off his arm, why the fuck did they do that? Did they think he had a tracker there. We should've injected a fucking tracker in all of us. Mike was on business trips every fucking month and yet we didn't think to put a tracker in him. The moment that they had been taken and we had seen that video, I had demanded everyone of my direct family to have a tracker injected in them. Everyone accepted, luckily. Not that they had a choice. I ordered it.

We had brought out some damning information for each leader and they were dealing with that right now, but we also went into their calls with one another. They were proud of what they had done. They were sure that us 'Locatlie apes' weren't going to act on it. That we weren't as strong and as bold as the 'Great King Trevor'. They didn't know we could hear all of this. That we knew every step they'd take about everything. Well everything... Everything apart from Kitty and Mike.

Eric had given another speech five days after them contacting us in which we expressed that we got a call from the people who captures our wife and our brother, and what they demanded. We told them that we would never, ever, let them blackmail us; that we didn't make deals with terrorists.

It was powerful and the public responded immensely strong to that. 


We got an answer two days later though. We were in another meeting with the whole family, apart from Lottie, whom was in the castle watching tv or something like that. I had no idea what she was doing, but it was good that she wasn't here. The things we were talking about; it was horrid.

"But come on, you have got to understand their position. If we took two of theirs." Oliver had started. "We'd kill off Mike within seconds, he's the spare so to speak, and we'd keep Kitty until we've mind controlled her into thinking that it's their fault. We'd use her as a weapon."

'Do you hear yourself talking sometimes?" Eddie then spat back. "Do you want-."

"I'm serious though Eddie. Listen to me. If we- if there was another country with our system and we managed to get their king and their queen. And there were three kings alive and well in that country." Oliver stated. "Let's call that country Lolaland. We have the king of Lolaland in our grasp, we want something from Lolaland, but they won't give it to us. Lolaland calls our bluff, the same way we are basically doing now. I mean we're not acting on anything. We're not physically acting on them- we're being fucking soft." Oliver said and Eddie gave me this look and I stared at Danny whom was staring at Oliver with the biggest smile ever. "We'd kill the King of Lolaland. We'd keep her- I mean the worst case scenario. I wouldn't kill the Queen of Lolaland. No. I'd keep her, make her see her husband being murdered and then brainwash her and shit to make her our own weapon, send her back to Lolaland and have her kill the other kings."

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