Chapter 48

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They did horrible things to me, and all Mike could do was watch and listen; because I soon found out the moment that they let go of me, and let me be and went to Mike, that they had speakers in here on the loudest volume, where I could hear what they were doing to him. They were doing unspeakable things to us, all because we wouldn't answer their questions. I had this feeling that I already knew this, but my mind was all over the place. 

It was not only degrading and painful, it was exhausting. Mike's arm was already chopped off, but they cut him, beat him, raped him. It was horrible to see and I would never be able to get those images out of my head. That they raped me, beat me, cut off my hair, sliced me, burned me, all of those things, they were nothing compared to the pain that I experienced the hours in which they would torture Mike. He tried not to scream, I knew he had had training back at home. I knew he was trying to stay strong, not only because of his pride, but also for me. But after half an hour of staying strong each time, he would break, the pain would become too much. I thought that that was amazing of him, that he had so much strength. I could only stay strong for five minutes, before the pain would become too much. The pain was just too much.

I didn't know how long I had been here right now, nor did I have the energy to think about that. But after a while, they walked into Mike's area and they dragged him away again. I sadly didn't have the energy to fight. Men then walked into my area and they walked in with a camera and I frowned at that, but again; I just didn't have the energy anymore. Then the men walked in with Mike and my eyes widened as I looked at him as he was dragged in and he was tied to the other chains that were here. What? I breathed as I looked at him and he looked back at me, tears rolling down his cheek as he looked at my body. My body was ruined. Absolutely ruined. But not as bad as my mind. But I couldn't show that to him. I had to fight for him.

I looked at him and I kept looking at him, while I could hear the man talking about what they wanted or something. Mike was staring ahead, was staring into the camera. I saw that his hand was making movements every minute. I saw that he was signing 'ship' to his brothers. I stared at that and I looked at the camera and then back at him. I didn't care for what they wanted, I knew that my husbands wouldn't give anything to them. They would rather let the world burn than give their country away. I looked at Mike again, taking him in. But suddenly, I was interrupted and I tried to hold in my scream, biting my lip, as I felt two knives going just above my knees. I put my head up and tears rolled down my cheeks.

I didn't want them- I didn't want my husbands to know just how bad everything was. I didn't scream and Mike didn't either. That only annoyed the men more though, so they walked up towards me and punched me hard in the face and I kept quiet. I kept quiet and when they started to beat Mike. He kept quiet too. We had the same thoughts. Good. I saw him sign something, but I couldn't quite understand what he had signed; it was in Local sign language, so that they couldn't translate it. I wasn't bothered with it. It was fine- I couldn't concentrate on that as another punch was put in my face.

They shut the camera off after a while and dragged Mike away, leaving me with three random guys whom were beating the shit out of me now before they put themselves in me, while burning me at the same time. Everything hurt. Everything hurt. I had to remain strong.

But it was so darned hard.

They let me be for a while, for a very long time after that. They let Mike be as well and we were both sitting against the glass looking at each other, our hands up- well my hands up, his hand up. We both didn't say anything or sign anything. We just cried while looking at one another. We slept while being close to one another. We didn't know how long we had to stay here. But we would help one another while doing this.

After a while though, the doors were smashed open, and I looked up and the men walked up to me, grabbed my chains and pulled me to them. They tortured me before grabbing my face.

"Your ape husband has committed a crime. As punishment you're going to cut off his finger." He said and I shook my head right away as the door between us opened and they dragged Mike in now and he was looking at me and there was fear in his eyes. "You either do that, or we cut off his whole hand." He said towards me and I looked at Mike and Mike stared back at me with fear and I gulped looking at the men and I nodded slowly.

They handed me the knife, as they put Mike on the floor now, putting their foot on his head. They put Mike's hand on the floor and they pointed to the one that needed to be done; it was his pinky. I took a deep breath as I scooted over towards him, as walking was impossible with the pain in my knees. I put my hand on his arm, holding onto it tightly, tears streaming down my face. I looked at Mike and Mike looked back at me with this look of 'just do it'. I nodded as I took a deep breath and I put the knife down and Mike bit his upper lip as I saw the whole floor slowly covering with blood. It was a clean sweep though. I tried my best.

The guys then took Mike away through the other door and I laid there on the floor, trying to think about how I was going to survive this any longer.

I had just hurt my husband, I had just cut off his finger. 

I had- 

I couldn't- 

I was slowly losing my mind. 

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