The Bad News.

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Asher's POV

Asher hangs up the phone and he immediately gets nervous. He is afraid his brother's called his mom. What if he gets in trouble. What if they come to beat him up too. He starts shaking he is so nervous. He decides to run. He puts his shoes on, or at least he tries. His sides are so sore from the beating. He finally gets them on but can't tie them. He decided to tuck them inside his shoe. 

He opens the door and it's raining. He runs upstairs to grab a hoodie. He gets back down and opens the door and bolts out just to smack into Elijah. He looks up at Elijah with fear in his eyes. He jumps up and takes off running to the back door. Elijah yells, "Where are you going." He runs to the door, but the top latch is locked he can't reach it. He turns around and all three brothers are right there. Luke looks pissed. Asher backs all the way against the door. His hands start sweating. He starts getting dizzy. He hears someone ask something and they take a step closer. Asher faints and he hits the floor. 

He feels his body being picked up and being placed on someone's lap. He is keeping his eye's close he is terrified. Then he feels a wet rag on his forehead. This conversation will be between all brothers. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(LU), and Asher. 

The rag is still on his head. Someone is gently rubbing his back and knee. 

(E) Asher buddy. Wake up buddy. 

Asher decides to open his eyes and he sees three worried faces. 

(Lu) What happened Asher?

(A) Nothing. 

(L) No something happened. You are going to tell us what happened, or you are going to be spanked when we get home. 

(A) Spanked?

(E) Yes spanked. They both get spanked when they don't follow the rules. Lying is the biggest one. So, you can have a minute to think and then I want an answer. 

(A) I was scared.

(E) Why were you scared?

(A) I don't know.

(L) That is two strikes, one more and you will get a spanking. 

(A) Please no, I am sorry. 

(Lu) Then tell us what you were scared about. 

Asher has tears build up in his eyes. 

(A) Yall. 

(E) What do you mean buddy?

(A) Mom and Dad said I was worthless and a little brat. They said yall didn't love me or like me. Now yall are here. Are yall going to beat me up? I promise I am sorry. Please don't hurt me. 

All the brothers are shocked. Why would Asher think they were going to beat him up. Does someone beat him up. It brings a lot of questions to their minds. 

(L) Is there someone beating you up?

(A) Could we talk about that later?

(E) We can talk about it when we get to our house. 

(A) What do you mean?

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