A private conversation.

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Nathan and Elijah can hear Asher talking on the phone in Elijah's room. They slowly open the door. He does not hear them. He is sitting on the other side of the bed. Elijah assumes it is Gabriel. This conversation will be between Elijah(E), Nathan(N), and Asher(A).

(A) I don't know. Elijah was being supportive and nice. Then all of a sudden he told me I had to take all the medicine. I was going to take it, I just needed time. He threatened to force it down my throat. 

They cannot hear what the other person asks. 

(A) He was going to have Luke help hold me down. Then have Lucas hold my nose and pour it all down my throat. Carter is here and we are having a fun time. Now Elijah has ruined it. Nathan is also being a dick to Carter. 

Asher pauses and they can hear someone talking on the other end, but they cannot understand the words. 

(A) I think I should text mom and see if I can come back. They are going to treat me the same, I just know it. 

There is a pause. Elijah's heart sinks to his stomach. He feels like he is going to throw up. 

(A) They did not see the marks. I cannot promise that. I told you do not ask that. Listen I have to go. I have to go back in there and face the punishment. I know someone is going to hit me. I just want to get it over with. I just hope I didn't get Carter in trouble. Nathan seems like the only person who cares about someone else. But he yelled at Carter. I heard him. 

Elijah motions for them to leave the room. They go and sit on the couch. Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), Nathan(N), Maverick(M), and Liam(Li), will be in this conversation. 

(Lu) What did he say?

(N) We didn't talk to him; he was on the phone. 

(L) You were eavesdropping again? Are you even trying anymore? 

(E) He is going to message mom and see if he can go back. 

(Lu) The fuck he is. He will never go back. 

(E) I have fucked everything up. Nathan, can you talk to Carter. I would like him to be in here when Asher gets in here. Please don't spank him. 

(N) Yeah, and he will apologize or get spanked. 

Nathan gets up and walks to find Carter. 

(M) What are yall going to do?

(E) I don't know. I am going to apologize to him and try to make it right. 

Liam turns the tv on silent and they wait for Asher to come in the living room. 

Carter was sitting on Lucas's bed. Nathan enters the room and Carter won't even look up. 

(N) Carter, why were you disrespectful to Elijah?

(C) Why was he going to force Asher to drink that medicine. There was three of them. Could he not give him time. Asher has been through a lot. It is crap. You are defending him. We are supposed to be brothers. 

(N) I will always defend you. Asher is Elijah's brother. You had no right speaking to him like that. You have been raised to treat older people with respect. I am very disappointed in you. 

(C) Well, I am disappointed in you too. You sit there and let Asher get scared and threatened to be abused again. He was terrified. You did nothing. You could have said something and tried to make Asher feel better you chose not to. 

(N) Asher is not my brother. You are, you will do as you are told. You will either go in there and apologize to Elijah or I will spank you three times, bare. 

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