Elijah is scared!

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Asher gets pissed off and walks to Lucas's room. He slams the door shut. Luke and Lucas run into Elijah's room. He was barely crying. Lucas pulls him into a hug and Elijah breaks down. He starts bawling. He is crying so loud Asher can hear it. Asher runs to the door and is listening. After fifteen minutes he calms down. Asher is still listening at the door. This conversation will be between the older brothers. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), and Luke(Lu). 

(Lu) What happened? 

(E) I just asked for him to roll his sleeves up. He asked why. I told him I wanted to check the cut marks. He asked who told me. I said I didn't know what he was talking about. He said don't treat him like a dumbass. I scolded him for the language. He yanked his sleeves up and asked if we didn't trust him anymore. I said we did. He said if we could not trust him then he would not trust us. He said if we are going to keep going behind his back maybe we should send him to live somewhere else. 

(L) He did not mean that. He loves you Elijah. 

(Lu) Why did you call Gabriel's mom? 

(L) It was my idea. I was worried. He had been crying all day. 

(Lu) Then I told you to check his wrists. We fucked up and now you get the short end of the stick. I will explain everything to him. 

(L) I will too. Elijah we all love him. You have this bond with him though. I see the way you look at each other. He adores you the most. 

(E) I am going to stop taking yall's advice on some things. This is my fault. What happens if he leaves? 

Elijah starts bawling again. Asher can hear the brothers comforting him. After a few minutes Elijah calms down. Lucas gives him some medicine to nap. 

(E) Thank you. 

(L) It should make you nap for an hour or so. 

(Lu) We will go check on Asher. Then we will go out and buy something for dinner. We will see if he wants to ride. 

(E) Ok. 

Asher hurries into the room and lays under the covers. He pretends to be asleep. He hears the door open. Lucas and Luke come over and kiss him on the forehead. They both apologize and leave the door open. They go back to Elijah's room. 

(L) He is sleeping.

(Lu) We are going to go to the store and do the grocery shopping. I am going to bring back hamburgers and fries from somewhere. Is that good? 

(E) Yeah, I am going to nap. Do you have the credit card. 

(L) Yes. 

(Lu) We also need to get Asher one. We all have one to share. He should have money if he needs something. 

(L) I agree. 

(E) I will go by the bank and get one tomorrow. 

(L) We love you. 

(Lu) We will see you soon.

The boys get their shoes on and leave. Asher hears the front door close. He takes his shorts off and eases his way into Elijah's room. Elijah is facing the other way. He pulls the covers back and crawls on the bed. Elijah turns over and faces him. They stare at each other. Asher places his hand on Elijah's chest. This conversation will be between Elijah(E) and Asher(A). 

(E) I am sorry. 

(A) It's ok, I am sorry too. I don't want to leave. I just want yall to ask me. Stop going behind my back. I was going to tell yall at dinner. 

(E) This is my fault. I am bad at this. 

(A) You're not. You make me feel safe and loved. 

(E) I do?

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