Asher wins!

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Lucas and Asher walk to the living room with all the other boys. Asher has a smile on his face. Elijah feels relief. He is glad they are ok now. He knew it would be an awful and awkward night and day if Asher was still upset. They walk over and Asher sits next to Elijah. Lucas goes to the hall closet and grabs scrabble. All the boys will be in the conversation. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), Liam (Li), Nathan(N), Carter(C), Asher(A), and Maverick(M). 

(E) I thought we were playing cod?

(L) Asher wanted to know if we could play scrabble. Yall can play cod. 

(N) I will play scrabble. 

(C) Asher, can I be on your team and sit with you?

(A) Yeah. 

(M) I want to play cod. 

(Lu) Me too. 

(E) So, do I. 

(Li) I do too. I am sorry boys I don't like word games. 

(A) We can play cod instead. 

(N) It's ok buddy. They can play together, and we can all play. 

(A) Yeah, but I don't want to make anyone mad. 

(E) Buddy, we are not going to be mad. I want you to have fun. 

(A) Carter, would you rather play cod with them. 

(C) No, I don't like scrabble. I just want to hang out with you though. Is that ok? 

(A) Yeah. 

Nathan, Lucas, Asher, and Carter go to the table. The other boys go to different rooms to play on the game systems. They are all having fun. Asher is winning in scrabble. They play three games. Asher wins two and Nathan wins one. Carter and Asher are having a fun time and goofing off. The other boys are in the rooms playing. They finish the game and Lucas looks at Asher. 

(L) Buddy, it is time for the pain medicine again, are you ready to take it? 

(A) Yeah, my ribs are hurting again. 

(L) How long have they been hurting?

(A) An hour or so. 

(N) Why did you not ask for medicine? 

(A) We were having fun. I did not want to get sleepy. 

(L) Buddy, you cannot do that. You need to ask before you start hurting a lot. The medicine will help better. 

(A) I am sorry. Do you want me to go stand in the corner. 

Nathan gets tears in his eyes. Asher still has the mindset he is always making mistakes and needs to be punished. Lucas stands up and walks to give Asher a hug. He gets close to Asher and Asher faints. He falls out of the chair and hits the floor. Carter yells, so does Nathan. Lucas scoops him up and runs to the couch. 

(L) Nathan go and grab a washrag and wet it with cool water. 

Nathan bolts to the bathroom. Carter ran and got Elijah. The other boys hear the commotion and run to the living room. Asher is starting to come back around. The wet washcloth is helping. Lucas is trying to talk to him. Carter is crying. Nathan is trying to calm him down. Nathan leads him to a bedroom. Liam and Luke follow. They want to check on Carter. They know Lucas, Elijah, and Maverick can handle Asher. 

(L) Asher baby are you ok? 

(A) Yeah. 

(E) What happened? 

(A) I got scared. I didn't ask for the medicine in time. I was afraid Lucas was going to spank me again or put me in the corner. He tried to hug me, and I fainted. 

Do they hate me too?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon