Elijah speaks with Asher!

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Almost everyone has left, and Elijah goes to Asher's room. He scoops him up and grabs him some clean clothes. He carries him to his room and sits him down on the bed. He grabs his clothes, and he takes them and puts them in the bathroom. He helps Asher take his shirt off and he takes the brace off. He takes the dressing off the burn, and he just sits there with Asher. 

He wraps his arms around Asher and Asher leans into him. The two will talk. Elijah(E) and Asher(A). 

(E) How are you feeling?

(A) I am ok. I promise I would never call you dad like that. 

(E) I know, I am sorry I thought that. I am sorry we did not trust Carter. 

(A) It's ok, are you mad I tricked you?

(E) No buddy. 

(A) You promise?

(E) I promise, you took up for Carter. You made us see he could be trusted. Next time just come to me though. I do not want you to think you have to stay two steps ahead of us. I want you to be honest and comfortable around us. I want to know when there is a problem. You can always tell me anything. 

(A) Ok, I am sorry. 

(E) You are fine baby. I promise I am not mad. Let's go take a shower. Then we can lay on the bed and play scrabble on our phones. 

(A) Ok. 

Elijah helps Asher to the bathroom and they both strip down. They take their shower and they talk the whole time. They finish up and dry off. Elijah dresses the burn on Asher's back. He thinks maybe one more week and they can stop dressing it. He slides Asher's shirt on and they scoot up on the bed. The two boys get their phones and they lay down to talk and play scrabble. 

(E) Do you want to sleep in your room tonight?

(A) No.

(E) Are you sure?

(A) Yeah, Carter knows we are sleeping in here. I am sorry about last night and the way I have been acting. 

(E) It is ok, like I said I am not angry. 

(A) Thank you. 

(E) You and I are going to go out on Saturday. We are going to the mall to let you shop for a new bedroom suite for your room. We also need to look at desks and chairs. I am also going to get you a small table to put on your veranda. I also found you a small swing. It will fit two people. You can always go out and swing, you don't have to have permission. It has the gate, and no one can see you. 

(A) Why are you getting me the table to go out on it?

(E) In case you want to eat out there. You can eat or just sit and work on schoolwork. It just gives you a little more freedom to be outside. 

(A) Thank you.

(E) You're welcome little man. Can we talk about something else? 

(A) Yes.

(E) Do you want to go and stay at Carter's Friday night?

(A) Maybe. 

(E) Can you explain or do you want to wait and talk about it later?

(A) I have never spent the night at someone's house. I always lived at home and then I moved in here. I was terrified the first night. I didn't know what to expect. I am afraid if I get over there and get scared Carter will be upset. What happens if I want to come home?

(E) They never let you stay the night anywhere?

(A) No, I could go to Gabriel's until nighttime then I had to come home. Gabriel use to be allowed to stay the night until they found out mom and dad were beating me. 

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