A great day!

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Carter is the first one awake. It is only six thirty. He slides out of the bed and walks to the living room. No one else is up. He walks to Elijah's room and sticks his head in. He can see Asher is asleep on the side of the bed. He walks over and taps his arm. Asher opens his eyes and looks at Carer. He smiles and slides off of the bed. They go to the living room. They close Elijah's door and Asher uses the bathroom. Carter uses the bathroom next, and they sit on the couch. The two will talk. Asher(A) and Carter(C). 

(A) You are up early.

(C) I know, I wanted to spend time with you.

(A) Let's walk to the park. We can text them all. 

(C) Are you sure?

(A) They may get mad. They will be ok. We can take our phones. 

(C) Ok.

The boys get dressed and Asher texts all the older boys. He sent the same message. They walk to the park, and they sit on the swings. They are swinging and talking. Elijah wakes up and uses the bathroom. He notices Asher is gone. He gets his phone off the charger and sees the message. He frowns and gets his clothes on. He is upset they didn't wake someone up. Elijah is scared of his parents. They said they do not want Asher back. He is afraid they may try to take him though.

He walks out the door and starts walking towards the park. He gets there and he can see Asher and Carter swinging and having a fun time. He calms down and he walks over. He sits on the other swing, and he swings with them. The other two boys are afraid to talk. They will all talk when Asher(A) apologizes. Carter(C) and Elijah(E).

(A) I am sorry, are you mad?

(E) No, you did everything correct. I need you to wake one of us up next time though. 

(C) Yes sir. 

(A) I promise we will. 

(E) I am not mad though. Are you having fun?

(A) Yes. 

(C) Me too. 

(E) Ok, I am just going to stay with you if that's ok.

(A) Yes.

The boys go back to swinging and talking. They talk about off the wall random stuff. Carter and Asher talk about him starting school in one week. Asher is excited and nervous. He is hoping this school is better than his last one. He is also afraid of disappointing Luke. They have already lost two friends because he is different. He is afraid Luke is going to lose friends and then blame him. Elijah can see a look of concern on his face. He smiles and he gets up. 

(E) How about we three head back and get in my truck. We can go get everyone breakfast and then we can spend some time together. 

(A) That sounds fun. 

(C) Can I ride with yall?

(E) Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

The boys smile and they both get off the swings. They walk back to the house and Asher and Carter crawl in the backseat. Elijah walks in and grabs his keys. He wakes Lucas and Nathan up. They both want to ride. They use the bathroom and throw on clothes. They rush to the truck. Lucas crawls in back with the two boys. He lets Nathan ride up front. They back out and head and grab breakfast. Elijah just grabbed twenty biscuits, 20 hash rounds, and ten cinnamon desserts. They drive back to the house, and he takes everything to the patio table outside. Nathan and Carter grab the drinks. Asher walks and wakes Liam up first. Liam wakes up and hugs Asher. He goes to the bathroom and Asher goes to Luke's room. 

He walks in and sees Luke and Maverick. They were cuddled up together and Asher took a picture. He saves the photo as his second screen saver, and he wakes them up. They both wake up and they nod they understand breakfast is ready. They take turns using the bathroom and they meet everyone on the patio. All the boys will talk and be part of the conversation. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Liam(Li), Luke(Lu), Maverick(M), Nathan(N), Carter(C), and Asher(A). 

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