An emotional day!

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All the boys have gone, and Asher is in his room. The other three brothers are cleaning up the mess. They sent Asher to his room for his attitude. They all finish cleaning, and they sit down. They are waiting for someone to say something. Lucas will step up. 

(L) I do not think he meant to cuss. 

(Lu) I don't think so either. 

(E) I know. 

(Lu) What did he say? 

(E) He just said he thought we were brothers and we took each others side. We laughed when you called your self dumb today and it bothered him. 

(Lu) Why did you spank him? 

(L) I didn't understand that part either. 

(E) It is a force with you two. You do not respond without a little help. 

(L) Asher is so different though. 

(Lu) He is sweet and cute. 

(E) I know, I messed up. I am not perfect. 

(L) He only got to ride with the boys once. I think he is going to be upset they already left. 

(Lu) Maybe me should all just take a chill day from each other. 

(E) Ok. 

(L) We just hang out in our rooms until dinner. 

(Lu) Ok. 

Lucas hollers for Asher to come to the living room. He gets in there and he sits down. They all four talk. 

(E) We are going to have a chill afternoon.

(A) What does that mean?

(L) It means we go in our rooms until dinner. We get to spend a little bit of time by ourselves. 

(A) Ok.

(Lu) Then we eat dinner and spend time with each other. 

(A) Yes sir. 

Elijah can tell with him using the word he is upset. The other two boys can tell it as well. They all make their ways to the hallway and Asher walks down to his room and closes the door. The other brothers stand there. 

(E) That just about tore my heart out. 

(L) Maybe we just talk to Asher. 

(Lu) I think we all send him a message. We say we are here if you want to talk. Then we can talk and apologize later. Just let him know we are there for him. 

(E) Fine, send the messages. 

The three boys send the message, and they go to their rooms. They are all nervous. They all expected Asher to come and speak with them. The whole time Asher sit in his bathroom on the phone with Liam. He tried to explain what was going on. Liam is trying to calm him down. Liam agrees to sneak over, and he jumps the fence. He climbs through the window, and he sits in the bathroom with Asher. 

(A) They are acting weird. They are mad. 

(Li) They are not mad baby. They think you are upset. They are trying to give you time to cool off. 

(A) No, they are mad. 

(Li) I promise they are not mad. Are you hurting? 

(A) Yes, this floor is hard. 

Liam picks Asher up and lays him on his bed. He takes his shirt off and takes the brace off. He excuses himself and comes back with the pain and muscle medication. He gives Asher a dose and he lays with him. Asher cuddles into him and Liam just talks to him like a friend. He knows Asher is scared. His parents messed his thoughts up. They lay there on the bed and Liam looks at his phone. It is almost four. He texts his mom and explains what happened. He said he would be home by seven, and she agreed. He falls asleep cuddled up to Asher. 

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