Asher and Carter.

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Asher and Carter have been at the park for almost ten minutes. They have been swinging on the swings, enjoying the silence. This conversation will be between Carter(C) and Asher(A). 

(A) You want to go sit on the slide?

(C) We said we would only swing. 

(A) I know, but I am tired of swinging. It is making my back hurt. 

(C) Yeah, let's go. 

The boys get off the swings and walk over to the slide. They sit down on it. Carter is taller. He sits down first and then Asher sits in front of him. They slide back. The wind has started blowing and it's get colder. 

(A) I wish I would have brought a jacket. 

(C) Me too. It's cold. 

(A) Slide back up a little more. Maybe the tunnel can block some of the cold. 

(C) Ok. 

Carter slides back even more. He lays on his side. Asher slides back and he lays on his side in front of Carter. Carter puts his arm over him. The wind is being blocked from the tunnel. 

(A) Thank you for being nice to me. 

(C) Thank you for being my friend. I have a few but most of the time they ditch me. 

(A) Why?

(C) Nathan has to come everywhere with me. He is really overprotective. I am surprised he let us come here alone. 

(A) I think it's because it is so close to my house.  

(C) Probably. How much time do we have left. 

Asher pulls his phone out. It's on one percent. He looks at the time and sees they still have eighteen minutes left. 

(A) We have eighteen minutes left. 

(C) That sounds good. 

(A) Do you want to see the video when we get to my house?

(C) Yeah, you will have to show me later though. I don't think Nathan wanted me to see it. 

(A) I will show you when we start to sleep, or after I get a shower. 

(C) Can we talk about Luke?

(A) Yeah. 

(C) Will you forgive him? I know he doesn't mean it. He only said it because Maverick was there. 

(A) How do you know?

(C) He loves you. He protects the people he loves. One time at one of my soccer games he came. One boy on the team's older brother called me a bastard. Luke punched him in the face. He will always protect people he loves. He made a mistake. We all make mistakes. 

(A) I can tell he loves you and Nathan and Liam and Maverick. 

(C) Maverick is ok, he is just rough sometimes. 

(A) It's sad his parents are mean to him.

(C) Are you going to forgive him?

(A) Yeah, I just don't want to be alone with them two anymore. 

(C) I don't blame you. Are you ok?

(A) The medicine has kicked in. It's making me tired, and you are keeping me warm. It makes me want to take a nap. 

(C) We still have fifteen minutes. The timer will wake us up. 

(A) Ok, let's take a nap. Then when I get home, I will talk to Luke. Will you be there with me?

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