Asher meet Carter!

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Elijah walks into his bedroom. Nathan is sitting on the bed, and Carter is lying beside him. Carter raises up and gives Elijah a hug. This conversation will be between Carter(C), Nathan(N) and Elijah(E).

(E) Hey Carter, how are you doing?

(C) Good sir. I am glad I got to come. 

(N) He really was so excited!

(E) We are excited you got to come too. I have a little brother I would like you to meet. Would you like to meet him? His name is Asher.

(C) Can I ask a question?

(E) Yes, you can. 

(C) Is he ok? There was a lot of bruises on his body. Who did that to him? 

(N) Carter this is a rude question to ask. Say you are sorry. 

(C) Sorry Elijah. I did not mean to be rude. 

(E) You were not rude. Nathan it is ok. I will tell you more later.  Carter it was our dad. He was very mean to Asher. Now Asher is going to move in with us. 

(C) That's good. Yall are all nice. 

(E) Thank you, buddy. We try to be nice. Carter, I need to ask you and Nathan a question.

(N) What is it?

Elijah whispers the question to Nathan. Nathan nods and he bends down to Carter. 

(C) Is everything ok?

(N) Asher is gay. He likes boys. Is that a problem with you? Do you want to go home?

(C) No, why would I want to go home. I want him to be my best friend. He seems like he needs one. I don't care if he is gay. Who cares about that kind of stuff?

(E) I just wanted to make sure. I just wanted to make sure that was not going to bother either of yall. Luke and Maverick called him a name, and that is why he hid.  You can sleep on the couch if you want to. You don't have to share a bed with Asher. 

(C) It's ok. I do not care if someone is gay. My big brother and parents taught me to love everyone. I also like to cuddle. I do it all the time with Nathan. I bet Asher is a good cuddler.

All three boys laugh. They walk out the door and knock on Lucas's door. Lucas gets up and opens the door. Asher has fallen back asleep. 

(E) He fell asleep?

(L) Yeah, he cried himself out and then went to sleep. 

(C) I am a little tired. Can I sleep with him. I promise I will be careful.

(E) I think that would be ok. We are just going to leave the door cracked just in case. 

Carter takes his shoes off and climbs in bed with Asher. They lay facing each other. The boys close the door except a crack and go to the living room. Carter grabs Asher's hand. Carter feels so bad for Asher. He also is pissed at Luke and Maverick. He is going to get Maverick back. The boys need to talk. This conversation will be between Elijah(E), Lucas(L), and Nathan(N). 

(N) Can I ask what happened? You don't have to tell me, but he looks so bad.

(L) David did it to him. 

(N) He was the one beating him up too. I knew about the rules, I didn't think your dad would beat him. 

Elijah pulls the phone out and gets the video ready. 

(E) He really trusts you, Nathan.

(N) He does?

(L) Yes. His face lit up when we told him you and Carter were coming over. 

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