Another Emergency room visit!

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Elijah came in and got Lucas and Asher when Samuel messaged him back. He wanted Elijah to bring Asher back in to be checked. He should be feeling some relief and should be getting better. He is almost out of medication and Samuel knew that. They were finally able to get in the truck and leave. All the boys wanted to ride but Elijah was firm and said no. They have all been texting since they left. 

They pull up at the er and Elijah carries Asher in. They all walk in together and sign in. Samuel comes and pulls them back. He has Asher take all his clothes off except his boxers and put a gown on. They go and do some x-rays. He has one more broken rib. He thinks it was from the twisting and the fall at the park. Samuel is concerned. He walks back in the room with the boys. He pushed medicine for Asher. Asher is sleeping. Samual(S), Elijah(E), and Lucas(L) will all talk. 

(S) He has one more broken rib. The fall could have caused it. It could have also been the bending. I need him to take it easy. I am going to prescribe three more weeks of the medication. I want him to stay home for one more week. I know you may not like that but I want to see him next Friday again. I may give him one more week off. I would rather be safe than sorry. I do not want him to get hurt again. 

(L) We understand. 

(E) What can we be doing to help? 

(S) Let him do a bath tonight. Try to do a bath for the next few nights. Let him soak in warm water for at least thirty minutes. Also do ice packs to help after he takes the pain medication. I also want him taking it on time. I do not care if he is not hurting. I want him to be comfortable. If you take it when he is already hurting it is not as effective. Do you have any questions? 

(L) I do, when could you come and see them? Elijah needs to be seen as well. Our dad did things to him and we want him to talk about it with you. 

(S) Elijah, you never told me that. 

(E) I tried to keep it a secret. 

(S) I will come over Tuesday, how does that sound?

(L) That sounds good. You can text us with a time. 

(S) How has he been doing besides that? No one has spanked him in front of other people have they? 

(L) No, I did that once and I apologized. I am the reason he twisted his body. I am sorry I messed up. 

(S) You will all make mistakes. Just try and be gentle and care for him. 

(E) Is it ok if he stays alone? 

(S) I would prefer him not to be alone. I understand if you all have classes or school though. If he is alone, try and wake him up. Make sure he uses the bathroom and takes it easy. Let him lay on his bed if it is easier to get on and off of. I do not want him getting to low or trying to climb on anything. He is still to sore for that. 

(L) What about stairs?

(S) Someone can carry him. He is small and all three of you can handle that. 

(E) We are moving and will have a basement. We are having a hot tube installed Tuesday. I will be home all day. 

(S) That is great. Let him sit in that if he wants to every afternoon for a half hour. I just want him relaxed. 

(E) We understand. 

(L) Can we dress him?

(S) You can, the medicine should wear off in about an hour. I sent in a month's supply to the pharmacy. I did pills this time. I think he can handle them. I did two different pain medicines, the muscle relaxer, and a sleep aid. No more antibiotics after those run out. 

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