Asher is mad.

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Asher jumps up and runs to Luke's room. Lucas is right on his trail. They both bust through the door. Luke is bent over Elijah's knee. You can see his bare bottom. Asher yells at Elijah. This conversation will be between all the brothers. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu) and Asher(A). 

(A) Stop Elijah. 

(L) I tried to stop him. 

Asher looks over at Luke and freezes. He closes his eyes. You can see his bare bottom. 

(E) Both of you go in there right now. Lucas, I told you to hold him. 

(L) I'm sorry. 

(A) Please do not spank him. He apologized to me. I forgave him. 

(E) Asher I will tell you this. He was getting fifteen swats. Now it will only be ten. Go in there with Lucas please. 

(A) Do not spank him at all. 

(E) One more time, and you will be getting two swats tonight. Is that what you want?

(A) No sir. I forgave him though. When you forgive someone why punish them too?

(L) Let's go in there. 

He grabs Asher and they close the door. Asher sits on the couch with all the other boys. Nathan turns the tv up loud. Asher looks at Lucas, Liam, Nathan, and Maverick looks over. 

(A) Can one of you help me to the bathroom?

(L) What do you need to do?

(A) Just pee. 

(M) I can help you, if you trust me.

Asher hesitates and agrees. Maverick gets up and holds Asher's hand. They go to Elijah's bathroom. They leave the bedroom door open and close the bathroom door. 

(M) What do you need me to do?

(A) I just need you to help slide my boxers down. I can handle the rest and then help slide them back up. 

(M) I got you buddy. 

Maverick slides the boxers down enough. He stands behind Asher. Asher does his business and he finished. Maverick slides the boxers back up and helps Asher wash his hands. They walk out the bathroom and sit on the bed. Maverick closes the door. 

(M) Could we talk?

(A) Yeah. 

(M) I am sorry, I called you that name earlier. 

(A) It's ok. My dad would call me that after he hurt me. It just brings back bad memories. 

(M) I am sorry about that. Could you tell me about the video?

(A) I can show you. 

(M) Are you sure?

(A) Yeah, you will see me exposed though. You want make fun of me, will you?

(M) No, I won't. 

Asher pulls out the phone and shows the video. Maverick watches it and has tears in his eyes. 

(M) I am so sorry for what I called you. I am also sorry for the way your dad treated you. Is there something I can do to make it to you?

(A) There is one thing. 

(M) Ask anyway. 

(A) Just promise me you will never call me that again. 

(M) I promise. 

(A) Thank you for helping me use the bathroom. 

(M) Can I ask you a question?

(A) Yes. 

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