D.J Part 2

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It's been almost 2 years since the day I left. I haven't seen my family nor the girls. I mean I send them letters. I found out Lauren and Camila got together. Lauren wrote to me and she's been happy which I'm happy for. She also sad that Normani and Ally are also together. As for my sisters they're also happy. They're dating but the only one who's married is Joanna.

As for Dinah she actually is with the girls when I face time them. She apologized to me and that she'll wait for me. Till I get home. And she also said that she still loves me. The first time I face timed the girls Dinah literally took the Lauren's laptop and kept apologizing she wouldn't stop crying. She said she didn't cheat. That she would never do that to me.

It honestly broke my heart seeing her like that.

Hearing those words. That she still loves me. It made me happy. I knew she wasn't lying.

I couldn't call them right now because I'm on a mission. We are in Iraq trying to find the missing alpha group that went missing a week ago. They went on mission to save some victims that were kidnapped by terrorist.

We saw a house that looked abandoned.

"Y/LN, Parker, James go make sure that perimeter is clear." We nodded and quickly but quietly checked the house. I heard voices coming from down what I think was the basement. I quietly walked down stairs. I held up my gun. I peaked into the room to see the missing alpha squad. They were really beat up. I looked to see if there were any terrorist. There was only one. I sneaked up behind him and hit him hard with my gun. Knocking him out cold. I quickly tied him.

I quickly took the blind fold off of Lieutenant Dan. "Lieutenant Dan." He had a stab wound on his leg. I called Parker he came running down. "I'll call the captain." He ran back upstairs. I quickly took out my first aid kit and quickly bandaged up his leg so it wouldn't get more infected. He silently thanked me. I nodded. I moved on to the next soldier.

Soon the other medic in the Bravo squad helped me help the wounded soldiers. "Okay the rescue squad we'll be here in 90 minutes we have to get to the checkpoint which is a mile away. So let's move." Captain Braddock ordered. We all stood up. I helped the lieutenant Dan up and helped up. I put my gun on my back and put his arm around my shoulder. We all walked out of the house. Some soldiers were really wounded and some not as much.

We soon arrived at the check point. We still had to wait 20 minutes. I helped Lieutenant Dan set.

The captain of the group raised their hand singling us to stop. We all stopped. He signaled us to get down and take cover. I looked back and saw that there were some terrorist behind us. I tapped the guy that was in front of me. He's name is Michel Jones. He turned around and I pointed at the terrorist That were not far behind us.

"Shit" He mumbled.

We were surrounded. "Get ready to fight." We heard Captain Braddock order us. I took my gun and aimed at the ones who were behind us. They were getting closer. I gulped.


We fired out guns taking them out. Well some. The more that fell the more that came in. We were running out of ammunition we had 5 minutes. We were now on the roof of the building.

After five long minutes the chopper came. We got all the wounded in the chopper. I looked at building next to us.

"RPG!!" I yelled I took my gun and shot the guy. He missed the chopper but got the ground I was standing in. Before I could blink the roof collapsed from underneath me. Taking me and another soldier down with the roof.

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