Soccer injuries and Kisses N.K

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I can't breath. I need air. I'm gonna die.

Why the hell is he making us run so much. Like shit man I can barely breath.

Right now coach is making run alot. He wants us to be able to run longer and not get tired so easily for the game we have tomorrow. But thing is why the hell is he making us run to much now. If there's a chance were gonna be tired and sore tomorrow.

"He's going to end up killing us." Ashlee said as she was breathing heavily. I nodded still trying to catch my breath.

"Okay girls tomorrow is our last game. We made it to the championship. I'm very proud of you girls. Words cannot express how proud I am. So get some rest today so we can kick ass tomorrow." We all got up and huddled up.

"Mustinag on 3! Mustangs on me! 1 2 3!" I yelled sticking my arm in the middle of the huddle along with the rest of the team.

"MUSTANGS!" We all yelled. Girls soon started grabbing their bags and leaving.

"Hey can you give me a ride home?" I looked up to see Ashlee looking down at me. I nodded. "Yea of course Ash." She smiled and nodded. Ashlee and I are good friends. We met the beginning of freshman year and it's our senior year now.

I know she's related to Normani Kordie I know that. I've had the biggest crush on Normani. I met her before. Ashlee and I were working on a project sophomore year. She came in with the rest of the girls and let me tell you that I almost died. I literally froze.

So when Ashlee introduced me to the Normani and the girls. I forgot how to speak English.

God I still remember that day. How can I forget a day where literally embarrassed myself in front of not only my idols but my crush as well, so kinda hard to forget something like that.

"You don't want to come in Y/NN?" I looked at the house and then at Ashlee. "No I'm okay I need to get home I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled and nodded kissing my cheek and getting out of the car waving at me as I drove off.


I sat in the girls locker room tying my laces from my red cleats. I had my black soccer shorts that had mustangs and my number 7 on the right side of the shorts. I also had my red soccer shirt which also had my number 7 on the back with my last name and mustangs on the front I also had my captain badge on my right arm. I had my red soccer socks and my hair up in ponytail with a red head band.

"Okay girls we had a good run this year. We were lucky to have the championship game a home game. So play hard today. We want that championship so we are going to get it." Coach said with determination. We all cheered.

We then lined up in two lines getting ready to exit the locker rooms. I was leading one and Beca was leading the other since she's also a captain. Ashlee was behind me.

Once we were on the field I saw that our side was packed. But the only person who really captured my attention was Normani.


It was now the last 10 minutes of the game, and it was still 0-0. The other team was giving it all their best but so were we.

I saw Ash running forward with the ball she was dodging some mid-fielders. I then saw that we were getting closer to the goal. I ran faster but made sure I wasn't of sides. Ash saw me she then kicked the ball towards me. I jumped up trying head it in. But two defenders also jumped.

One girl then elbowed me hard just above my right eye and the other elbowed me extremely hard in the stomach knocking all the air out of me.

I dropped to floor holding my stomach. Gasping for air. I felt like I forgot how to breath.

I then felt somones hand on my shoulder. I could hear Ashlee's voice. "Y/N relax deep breaths." I heard Ashlee whisper into my ear. "Here." They brought what I'm guessing is my inhaler up to my mouth. I took two puffs and started to relax.

But now I felt warm liquid rolling down the side of my face. "It's pretty deep. She'll need stitches." I looked at the paramedic. "Can't you just cover for now?" "Yea but- Great do that." He nodded and quickly put a bandage on top of my right eyebrow.

I got up with the help of Ashlee. I heard people clapping. I looked towards our side to see Normani giving me a concern and worried look. I smiled slightly which she returned.

"Are you sure?" Ashlee said as she held me by my waist. I nodded as the ref gave the ball. I then realized that it was penalty kick. If make it we win. But if I miss well have to go over time. And every one looked tired I don't think we'd be able go another 10 to 20 minutes.

I placed the ball on the penalty dot. I looked up at the goalie who smirking at me. Mouthing at me that I was going to miss.

I took a deep breath and stood back.

She was slow on her right side so I'll try to kick it there. But I can already tell she was leaning more to her right than her left. It's like she knew I was going for her right. I took a step back and looked out towards the stands and didn't see Normani. I looked towards the bench that had our subs that had some play time to see Normani standing there. She saw me staring she smiled at with that beautiful smile.

I turned back around and ran at the ball kicking to her left. And I was right she was to close to her right that when she tried to dive for the ball it was too far.

Every one cheered I then felt weight on my back. " You did it!" I smiled at Ashlee shaking my head. "No we did it."


So after taking pictures with the trophy and are small medals. We got to go home. Finally.

"Y/NN!" I turned around with my bag to see Normani running towards me. She engulfed me into a hug I smiled and hugged her back. "Good job out there." I was going to respond but then coach came up to me.

"Y/N you gotta go to the hospital so you can get that stitched. You can't drive there cause they'll put you on some thing so make you numb to the pain and that'll last up to almost five hours. I can take- I'll take her." Normani quickly spoke up. I looked at her and was going to tell she didn't have to but she just gave me a look.


" You didn't have to come." I told Normani as we were now in the hospital. I was in a room now we were just waiting for the doctor to come back with all the stuff. To say I was nervous was an understandment. My nerves were killing me.

"I wanted to." She smiled at me. I smiled. Her smile always had a way of calming me. " You scared the crap out of me when those girls hit you and you went down." I smiled slightly taking her hand in mine ignoring the tingling sensation and all the butterflies.

"I'm okay." She smiled.


"M-Mani?" She looked at me with that beautiful smile of hers. "Yea?" I was now high off that medicine or whatever it was that the doctor gave me. I didn't feel anything which was somewhat a good thing.

"You're soooo beautiful." I saw her blush. "Thanks Y/N." I smiled. "Now you are supposed toooo ssay I'm beautiful." I said in all seriousness. I heard her giggle. "You are beautiful. Very beautiful." I smiled and looked at her. She looked at me and I leaned closer.

I looked at her and cupped her cheeks. She leaned into my touch I looked down at her lips she leaned in and next thing I know I'm kissing her. She slowly kissed me back with what I think was love. The kiss was filled with so much passion. When our lips touched I felt the fire works everything.

We then slowly pulled away. "I've been wanting to do that since I first met you." I whispered. Normani smiled. "Me too."



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