No Heros Allowed: A.B

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I got inspired by watching Incredibles 2.

Oh and I saw the movie. It's freaking amazing!!!  It was also hilarious. Especially when baby Jack-I'm not gonna ruin it for the ones who haven't watched it. But let me tell you Baby Jack Jack was the funniest. Violet also had her funny moment. But I will say that the 14 long year wait was hella worth it.


I jumped from one building and landed perfectly on the other. I ran as fast I could and jumped. The distance between the building was probably the size of a football field but it was no problem for me. I jumped it easily.

I quickly jumped down the building landing right on top of the car. I punched through the roof of the car. I grabbed the guy by the collar and slammed his head to the steering wheel, knocking him out cold. I stopped the car and got him out. I put him along with the bag on the hood of the car hearing the police sirens getting closer. I went to leave but stopped when I opened the bag. It was filled with cash.

I know shouldn't but I did. I took five stacks of money and left the rest. Being a hero you don't exactly get payed and I do have bills to pay. Also even though supers aren't are illegal when I ever I saw something wrong happening I wasn't just going to stand there and do nothing.


I flew through the window of my apartment and quickly changed out of my super suit. I walked into the kitchen and made something to eat. I turned on the tv to see that they were talking about me.

"Y/SHN (super hero name) is at once again. Stopping the burglar from getting away. Even though Supers now are illegal, that hasn't stopped Y/SHN. I've-We are to stop every Super out there including Y/SHN. We don't need them. They can stay in the hiding if they come out we stop them. Including Y/SHN. Y/SHN if you're watching this stay away or else you'll suffer the consequences."

Some guy said as he took the mic away from the reporter. I furrowed my eyebrows and kept my eyes on the tv. Who the hell was that guy?


I sat in the edge of the building wait to see if I could hear anyone needed help. I didn't care for some guy in a suit. Sure as hell wasn't going to tell me what to do. I straightened up when I heard a girl scream. I jumped off the roof and flew towards the screams. The screams led me into a alley. I saw a short dirty blonde girl being man handled. I used my speed and pulled the guy off the girl. I went to check if the girl was okay but then I felt a sharp pain coming from my side and then something had connected to the side f my head.


I woke up snapping my eyes open. The pain I felt before was now gone. I looked around the room too see that it was just a big white room with a big glass mirror but I could see that it was a window a two way mirror. There was a tall man standing there just watching me. But it seemed that he didn't know I could see him. There was another man also but he was looking down at his laptop.

I was hand cuffed to the table but I could easily break out of it. I wasn't like my cousin and sister. I wasn't weakened by any thing. So it I was easy for me. Ever since it became illegal for supers to use their powers. Crime rate has shot up. But the people in office haven't done anything to change that.

"Well well well. If it isn't Y/SHN. You know you've been a pain in the ass. Why is it-Is the girl okay. Before you jerks showed up there was a girl, she was in trouble. Is she alright." I asked looking at him straight in the eyes. He smirked as he looked down at me. "Oh you mean her?" I turned my head when I heard the door open. And of course the girl who was in 'trouble' was completely fine. And working for the this guy.

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