Always will Be: N.K

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I sat at my desk as I drew. I was in art and right now I'm bored out of my mind. I'm senior in high school. We have this new art teacher she's beautiful I'll admit. If I weren't her student I'd try my best to win her heart.

I've told Normani who's my best friend since we were kids. She thinks I'm crazy for liking my teacher. And that if Ms.Collins

"Y/N?" I looked seeing Ms.Collins smiling looking down at me. "Yes?" She smiled. "Come on its time for the rally." I looked around and saw that the class was empty. When did the bell ring? I got up gathering my things.


After the rally I stayed behind to help Ms.Collins clean up. I don't thinks it's fair. Like how the hell are two girls suppose to clean up a whole gym.

I liked Ms.Collins a lot. But I'd never tell her that. She'd think I'm weird. Just control these dumb feelings.

"We need music. It's too quite in here." She walked to the stereo that was in the gym. She connected her phone and the song Better Together started playing. By Fifth Harmony.

I smiled as she sang and danced while picking up the trash. I kept looking at her until she turned around and caught me staring. I quickly turned around and picked up the trash that was on my side.


I felt someone tap my shoulder. Well obviously it was Ms.Collins. I turned around and looked up since I was short. She wasn't that tall maybe three four inches taller than me but she was wearing heels.

"Can you help me with this." I nodded and got up we were almost done thank God. It was probably four or five now. I looked at she needed help with. I looked up and saw that she needed help getting the silly string off the walls. How the hell did manage to do that?

I furrowed my eyebrows looking up at the wall. How the hell are we supposed get that off the wall? How the hell did they manage to just get on one spot.

I heard a giggle I turned around and saw the ladder. Oh well that's one way. "Cute. Now come on you hold the ladder I'll go up. It won't take long." Wait did she just call me cute. Oh my. Y/N God the damn ladder. Oh right. Right.

"Alright come on." She climbed up the ladder I quickly held the ladder. But something happens and she falls and I try to catch her we are both going down cause I got no upper body strength. What so ever.

"Okay here." She handed me the ball of silly string. I threw it in the trash. I looked up see she was coming down. In just of matter of seconds she slipped and fell off the ladder. I quickly catches her but like I said no upper body strength. We both fell she fell on top of me.

"Are you okay?" I asked even though the back of my head hit the hard floor. "Yea are you?" She asked looking down at me. I nodded all of sudden feeling like I couldn't talk or breath cause of how close she was.

She looked into my eyes and then down to my lips. I found myself doing the same thing. She leaned down stopping to look at my eyes. I brought my hand up cupped her cheek. She leaned down the rest of the way and brought our lips together.

Our lips moved perfectly together. She slowly pulled away when air was needed. I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me. "I've been wanting to do that since you first transferred to my class seven months ago." I smiled. "Me too. Well not when you transferred to my class cause I don't have a class. But when I-" I stopped when she brought our lips together.

"You're really cute." I blushed as she got up helping me up. 


I smiled as she dropped me off at the girls and I's house. She drove away and touched my lips. I quickly ran into the house.

"Mani! Oh my god Mani!" I squealed. I ran up stairs and ran into her room only to see she was asleep. Damn.

I ran out shutting the door quietly behind me. I looked down and ran to Lauren's room. "Lo! LoLo!" I ran into her room only to see Ally and Lauren in a heated make out session.

Oh my god.

Dinah. I'll go to Dinah.

"DJ! Dinah!" I was going to run in but then stopped.  I knocked. "Come in." I peeked my head with my hadn't over my eyes. " Are you are?" I heard her chuckle. "Yes now come in." I moved my hand to see her on her bed. I smiled and quickly jumped in. "You walked in on Mani but she was asleep so you couldn't talk to her. Then you went to Lauren and saw that she was probably getting busy with Ally so you came to me. You know I'm kinda hurt that I was the last one." I pouted. "It's fine you're lucky you got that face. Now tell me what has you so happy."


" Okay wait you're dating your teacher. That hot one with those nice eyebrows." I smiled and nodded. "Damn-You're what?!" Dinah and I both jumped when we heard Mani's loud voice.

"Y/N I need to talk to you. Now." She walked away and I looked at Dinah confused. She shrugged. "Good luck." I got up and walked towards her room.

" Mani what's wro- Why didn't you tell me that you were dating someone and not just someone but your teacher." She said glaring at me.

"Well I didn't tell you because it just happened today." She looked at me and I swear to god I saw jealousy. But why would she be jealous.

"Mani aren't you happy for me. I mean I finally found someone who likes me for me. And not bwacuse I'm friends with the Fifth Harmony girls. She's- Your teacher. Y/N and how do you know she likes you. Like you said this just happened. For all we know she can be just like- Like who Mani like Olivia. She used me to get to you. And what did you do. You hooked up with her. You slept with her even though I told you how much I liked her. I forgave you cause you are my best friend. You made me realize that I didn't love her. So I forgave you." I looked at her while I had tears rolling down my cheeks. She went to hug me but I took a step back.

"Y/N- No Normani. If you can't be happy for just this once than I....I don't think we should be friends anymore." I whispered the last part.

"No. No. Believe I am happy. I really am. I just. I'm jealous." She said looking down. "Why?" She sighed. "She'll have more time with you. She'll be your shoulder to cry on. She'll be the one who makes you smile. She'll with you every day. I'm supposed to be the one with you every day. I'm your best friend. I guess I'm just scared that if you go with her. You'll forget me." She whispered. The last sentence. I noticed that tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Mani you'll always be my best friend. No matter what. You are my best friend forever and ever. Okay. I'll never forget you even if I tried." I pulled her down for a hug. She relaxed and hugged me back.

"So when do I get to meet this girl of yours?" She said looking down at me. I smiled and she returned it.



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