Here for You A.B

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I pushed up my glasses as I followed my Uncle into his building. I couldn't stay home since my parents decided to argue and started throwing things some things hitting me since I was in middle of the cross fire. I tried to stop them from fighting cause what kid likes to see their parents in a heated argument. The family picture frame hit me on the side of the head leaving a nasty cut and bruise.

When the frame hit me my uncle walked in. To say he was pissed was an understatement. He cleaned my cut and took me with him which is way I'm with him now.

"Sweetie just sit there and relax okay. I got a meeting and I'm not letting you leave my side." I looked up at him and nodded. I sat on the sofa that was in the meeting room facing the window. I put my back pack on my lap getting out my pencil and drawing book.

I kept looking out the window. The view was beautiful and I had nothing else to do. I started drawing the view taking my time drawing it. When I start drawing I go in my own little world.


Simon looked at his niece who was know focused on her drawing. He sighed and tried to focus on the meeting he was having with his favorite girl group.

But as much as he loved those girls he couldn't focus on them but his niece who he loved dearly. The way his brother treated his only daughter out raged him. How can a father treat their little girl like that. People like his brother and his brothers wife do not deserve a good, sweet, innocent, lovable daughter like Y/N is what Simon thought. Which is why the younger was staying with him and if his brother tried anything then he'd take his own brother to court.

Simon smiled slightly seeing the construction look the younger had while she looked every once awhile to make sure the picture was detailed. He smiled and looked towards the door.

"Come in." He smiled and stood up when the girl's squealed and ran towards him giving him one crushing hug. "Nice to see you girls too." He chuckled and let them go. They smiled and sat down around the table their manager smiling and hugging Simon as well.

"Okay girls it's nice to see you all. As much I want to talk you girls about non business stuff we have to get this done and then will talk about other things." Simon smiled and stared to talk about tour and all other things while one of the girls saw someone who caught their eye.

Ally couldn't be happier to see the man that made them who they are now. Simon was always like an uncle to them and they loved him so much. Ally smiled and looked around the big office but stopped when she saw a girl a very familiar girl sitting on the sofa facing the big window. She looked back at Simon to see that he was now explaining the sales on the 5H3 album which were extremely high breaking numerous of records.

She slowly got up making sure that Simon didn't see. She sneaked towards the girl and looked down over the girls shoulder to see an amazing drawing of the city. Her mouth dropping at how amazing it looked.

"That's amazing Y/N

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"That's amazing Y/N." Ally said softly making sure not to scare the girl. Y/N jumped slightly she looked up to meet the beautiful brown eyes. She smiled slightly and moved to the side tapping the side of the couch motioning Ally to set down. Ally smiled and sat down.

Y/N handed the older girl the picture. She's always had a big crush on the older girl. She couldn't help the feeling she had for the girl. Ally was-is perfect. Y/N smiled and handed the drawing to Ally.

"For you." Ally smiled and kissed the girl's cheek. Y/N couldn't help the blush that raised on her cheeks. She looked down shyly trying to hide the blush. "Thank-oh my Y/NN what happened?" Ally quickly put the drawing down and raised her hands cupping Y/N's cheeks. She looked closely at the bruise/cut.

"I-I n-nothing." Y/N said looking down. Ally used her finger to raise the younger girl's chin. Ally looked at Y/N giving her the look. The look that said 'I know your lying know tell me the truth.' Y/N sighed and started to play with Ally's fingers. A habit she had picked up since she first met Ally which was the day she auditioned for the X-Factor.

"M-My parents were arguing again." She whispered. Ally frowned knowing very well that the younger ones parents were complete assholes.

Ally looked back at the girls who sadly looked at the younger girl who had her head down.

"Hey it'll be okay. You'll see you're here with uncle Si he'll make sure, I'll make sure they don't hurt you it or do anything- we'll make sure of that too teddy we are all in this together. You are just as much part of this family. You have been there with us since the start." Y/N looked up to see that Dinah was smiling slightly down at the her.

"Thank you. I love you girls." The girls smiled a group hugged the younger one.

"But clearly you love one of more than the other." Dinah teased causing the younger one to blush.


🤷🏽‍♀️Don't know what this is



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