Sisterly Love 02: L.J

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It's been two months since Lauren and I started to secretly date. We were going  to talk our parents today and I was really nervous. Through out these two months we got really close. It was to the point were I was sure that I love her. She makes me happy in every possible way. She makes me feel things I've never felt before.

Every time I thought of her it would bring a smile to my face. I just want to be able to hold her hand and show her my love in front of everyone. I jus-"Y/N can I talk to you?" I was brought out of my thoughts I looked up to see my photography professor. "Yes Mr.Thomas?" He smiled down at me and sat down handing me a paper. "The photography agency in Paris loved your pictures and they want you to fly out there and an intern for a year or two. And maybe be photographer working there." I looked at him wide eyed and then back at the paper. "Are you serious?" He chuckled and nodded.

"Tell me by the end of the week. So I could get everything ready." I nodded as he smiled and nodded leaving back to his desk. Oh my god.


"Y/N we need to talk." I looked up from my book to see Lauren standing at my door. She shut the door and looked at me. "Are we sure about telling our parents?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes. I mean I am. Are you?" She looked at me and nodded. "Of course it's just I don't want to hurt anyone." I sighed and nodded understandably.

"Ca-Girls come down here!" I heard my mom yell out. I looked at Lauren who nodded taking my hand and leading me down stairs. For some odd reason I had a very bad feeling about something. And I couldn't put my finger on it.

"We gotta-oh." We all said at the same time. It was almost laughable. "Uh you first Y/MN." Lauren said squeezing my hand but not hard enough for it to hurt. I looked at my mom and Mike. "We're getting married." I felt my heart slowly drop. Is that going to change anything. "That's great mom." She smiled big and looked at us. "Now what were you two going to say." I went to say something but Lauren stopped me.

"Oh uh nothing just that I uh I'm going on date later today and I won't be back for the rest of the night." I turned my head and looked at her feeling hurt. Who is going on date with? "Oh is it that boy, what's his name Tyrone. That guy you always talk to." I felt even more hurt and betrayed. Is she cheating on me? I pulled my hand away from her hold taking a few steps away from her. "Y/N you're crying. Are you okay?" I heard my mom say. I didn't even realize I was crying. "Uh I guess. I'm just-I'm just happy for you." I quickly cleared up avoiding Lauren's gaze. "Aw sweetie." My pulled me into a tight hug.

"Now what did you have to tell us." She pulled away from me to look down at me. Well I wasn't sure if I wanted to go at first but now I am. How can a relationship like Lauren and I's work. Not to mention she's going on a date with some other guy. So I'm guessing she didn't like as much as I like her. Or she probably didn't like me at all.

"Uh um I uh got offered a uh a intern ship at the photography agency in uh in Paris." It was quiet too quiet until my mom squealed. "That's great. That's amazing Y/NN sweetie I'm so proud. Are you going? You're going, right?" I felt everyone's gaze on me but one was stronger than the other two. I kept my gaze and down. Then I looked up and forced a smile.



I was in my room packing my things. It's been four days since mom and Mike announced they were getting married. And four days since I haven't spoken to Lauren. I was going to talk to her but then I saw her with this Tyrone guy and she looked happy so I didn't bother to talk to her.

Tomorrow I was leaving to Paris for two years. I'd be back for the wedding since I am going to be one of the bridesmaids along with Lauren. I sighed as I looked down at my two suitcases. I put them next to the door with my backpack. I had everything set. I know shouldn't leave with out talking to Lauren. So I got my keys to go to her house.

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