Face Forgotten: L.J

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Five years ago

"Pl-Please Lauren, l-I know this is hard but I know we can make it work."

"We can't."

"Yes we can. We-we could-Y/N stop."

"No Lauren why aren't you fighting for us? Why are you giving up on us so easily?"

"Y/N I just...I just don't feel the same anymore. I don't...I don't love you anymore."



"Love come on here." I looked up from my camera to see the beautiful pair of green eyes. I smiled as she leaned down and kissed the side of my temple where my scar was at. "Now come on I'm off to work. You should go as well. Don't want you being late. Call me when you're done, I'll pick you up. Love you." I smiled and nodded. "I will. I love you to." She smiled and nodded once again leaning down as she brought me into a kiss.


With a smile on my I made my way into the building it was third time they had contacted me to take photographs for their company and they did pay me very good. I was a photographer, that's how I met my beautiful girlfriend.

"Y/N my favorite photographer, good to see you. I'm glad you're here." I smiled and nodded up at Conor.
"Well the artist that I want you to take pictures of is on her way to the field we sent her to. The team is here as well just head on down their and you're set, okay." I nodded he smiled and walked away.


As I saw the team setting up the area as I made sure my camera was good.  The artist I was photographing was in her trailer getting ready since she was a bit late but that was okay I guess.

"Okay Y/N the artist will be here any minute now." I nodded and slowly walked with a small limp towards the set up.

"Careful Y/N don't need you over stressing yourself. Your girlfriend would kill me if you do." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Sorry I'm late." I heard a raspy voice say. I looked up from my camera and saw a girl with a pair of emerald eyes just like my girlfriend's but my girl's eyes were way better. I saw her tense and her eyes widen.

"It's okay...I'm Y/N by the way, it's nice to meet you..." She looked at me confused, hurt, guilty and other emotions. I shrugged and smiled any way. I don't know her but she seems nice.

"Well uh we should get started before it gets dark." Before she could say anything some of the assistants lead to the spot she had stand which was in front of the trailer.

"Okay can you put your hand up like your cover the sun." She nodded as she gulped. I smiled and lifted my camera up taking the picture.

There was tension. I could tell. It was weird it felt like I knew her but then I didn't cause I was yet to know her name. Throughout the whole photo shoot I could see from the corner of my eye the girl looking at me. I don't know why but I'm glad we're finished it's been a long day.

As I was packing my things I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the artist. Which I found very stupid that I still didn't know her name.


"Yes." She looked at me with now her eyes filling with tears. Oh she's crying. Well she going to cry. Wait why is she crying. Did I do something? No I haven't done anything. Well I mean maybe she knows I don't her name and she got her feelings hurt. What? No that can't be.

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