The One: A.B

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I've had a crush on Ally since we were kids. I know I shouldn't like her but I couldn't help it. We became best friends one day when my biological father took me to his house by force. I wanted to go to my mom and Ally helped back to her. Ever since that day we became close. We  would spend mostly every minute of every day together. I say mostly because even though my biological father is best friends with Ally's mother. Ally's mother hates me.

You're probably thinking why does Ally's mom hate me. Well that's actually a good question. I don't know why she hates me. Well I have thought on why she hates me but I'm just not sure. You know I think she hates me because my mom and Ally's mom don't get along. They haven't got alone for quite a while.

Well anyway right now I'm headed to school. Ally and I go to the same college. So that's how we see each other without her mom being a complete jerk to me. At least at school we can be close and not have to worry about her mom yelling at be and calling me names.

"Y/NN." I blinked fast looking away from my book. I looked up to see Ally smiling down at me. I straighten up and smiled. "Hey Ally." She giggles and shakes her head. "What were you just thinking about." She asks as she sits down right beside me. "Uh nothing I was just reading." She looks at me with her eyebrows raised. She leans over me and giggles. "Right well if you wanna read a book." She reached over and grabbed my book. I looked only for my cheeks heat up. She flipped my book the right way.

"It's easier to read when it's not up side down." I felt my cheeks heat a bit when she smiled at me with a teasing smile. I cleared my throat and looked at her. "Any way what's up." She smiled big and put down a small envelope. She handed me an envelope I furrowed my eye brows looking down at it. In the front it said 'Your Invited'. I opened the envelope and took out the invitation.

As soon as I read the name on the card I handed it back to Ally. "Come on Y/N please. I know you two don't get along but everyone is going. I want you there and so do the girls. Please-Yea Y/LN why don't you come to my party." I felt myself tense hearing her voice. I looked up seeing her smirking down at me.

"No thanks. I got better things to do Sandra." Sandra and I don't got the best past, I guess. "Come on Y/LN lets put the past behind us." She said with that same smirk on her face. But really surprised me was what Ally said next. "Yea Y/NN put the past behind you." I looked at Ally feeling hurt and betrayed. I swallowed the lump that started to form in my throat.

"I'm not stopping you from going Allyson." I got up and got my things from the table. "Wait Y/N." Ally called out but I already left.

Sandra and I used to date. Yup we dated until she cheated on me and treated my like I was nothing. I actually really liked her, almost loved. Even though she cheated on me, she broke up with me and blamed everything on me. Like saying 'you made me cheat', yes she said that. It was to point where I started to believe that. I know that was stupid to do.


I kept my gaze down on my camera when I heard the door open to my room. "Y/NN." I heard her sigh as she walked into my room. "I'm sorry. I just..I don't know, Y/N what happened between you and Sandra like three years ago. I want you to move on. You don't still like her do you?" I shook my head not really listening to her. I don't have feelings for Sandra anymore. I just have a hard time trusting people who have hurt me. I can't trust someone if they broke my trust and hurt me. It's just something I can't do. Cause if I forgive some for hurting or like I don't know cheating me. Every time I'm going to be thinking that they will stab me in the back again.

"Y/N?" I let out a sigh and set my camera down looking at Ally. "What Ally? Aren't you supposed to be at a party right now." I said looking at her as I reached over to grab my laptop.

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