Falling Love With Her?!: D.J

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This update was for Natalie_harmonizer i hope it was what you requested. Didn't really know how to end but I hope you love it.

"Shut up! God you're a stupid worthless bitch!" I hunched over holding my stomach in pain as he yelled at me. He kept on kicking and punching me until I couldn't move.

"Next time I won't hesitate to kill you." He yelled as he walked away leaving me barely breathing in the dark alley. I couldn't move it hurt. It hurt so bad to move.

You're probably wondering who was the guy giving me a beating well that was my boyfriend. He thought I was flirting with the waitress which I wasn't. I mean I could have but I didn't. Ever since my parents kicked me out of the house. I've been living with Jim.

I tried to get up but I couldn't. It hurt. I stayed still for awhile cause I'm all honesty it hurt. After what felt like hours. I finally got up. I slightly slowly made my way out of the alley to feel someone following me.

I've had that feeling for awhile now. Someone staring at me. I kept on walking towards my hom- well it's really not my home but it's where I live. If I like it or not. I'm an 18 year old without a family living with an abusive boyfriend.


I limped towards the park. It was dark but Jim just gave me one of his beatings and then threw me out of the house. It has been two weeks. Since his last beating in the alley. But he came home drunk today and gave me one of his beatings. Which is why I was going to the park cause I had no where else to go.

Once I reached the park I sat down on one of the benches. I whipped some of the blood I had running down my nose. I felt myself crying. I was glad no one was at the park. I hugged my stomach since it was cold and I only had on a black t-shirt and my ribs were really hurting.

I felt my eyes get heaving but before I knew something was getting put over my mouth. I tried to wiggle out but it was no use. Last thing I saw was the night sky before I blacked out.


I groaned as I felt myself waking up. What the hell happened? I looked around to see that I was tied to a chair. What the? I tried to wiggled out of the ropes but that didn't work. I tried to rip out of it but that also didn't help. I kept on rocking back and forth but the chair tipped and I fell side ways.

Oh god. Son of a

Great. This just great. I felt my breath hitch when I heard the door open. My back was facing the door so I couldn't see who it was. I then felt the chair being lifted. I kept my eyes shut.

"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you." I heard a soft caring voice. Wait a second I know that voice. I opened my eyes and I swear my world stopped. Dinah Jane kidnaped me?!

"Wh-why a-am I- I know I could have done this whole thing better but as creepy as it sounds I couldn't keep watching that asshole hurt you. I had to do something. And well this was the only way I could save you." She said as she used a white cloth to wipe the blood away.

I didn't know if should be scared or thankful. But why would she do this.

I didn't know if I should be scared of this girl. I mean I've been a big fan but when someone kidnaps you. It kinda changes your perspective on them.

"I'm not going to hurt you." She untied the ropes on my wrist and smiled slightly at me. I rubbed my wrist since the rope did kinda of hurt. I would try to run away but where would I run to. I had no one to run to or go back to.

She offered me her hand. I looked at the hand and then up at her. She smiled slightly. With that smile I took her hand as she helped me. I hissed holding my ribs. I couldn't walk it was very hard to walk.

In just second she picked me up bridal style. I squealed slightly as she smiled down at me. We walked out of the room and down a long hall way. I'm guessing we're at her house cause this is some expensive things.

"Wow you actually got her. Hi I'm Lauren." I looked up to see the green eyed beauty. She had a sweet smile. I smiled shyly and mumbled my name out. "Aw she's cute. Come on in sure you're hungry. Ally made pancakes."


It has been almost a month since I've been here. Since I've been kidnapped by the one and only Dinah Jane. The girls really sweet with me. Especially Dinah. I haven't heard from Jim which I honestly didn't care about.

Dinah kept me safe and made me feel loved. She's amazing. I'm actually very thankful that she kidnapped me. I mean who would have thought I would have fallen in love with my kidnapper.

"Hey babe. How are you feeling?" I looked up from the piano to see Dinah smiling down at me. She leaned down and kissed my cheek. I looked trying to hide the blush that formed on my cheeks.

I heard her chuckle she sat behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. I leaned back and sighed.

"You know I'm glad you kidnaped me." I felt her smile as she hid her face in my neck. "I wouldn't call it kidnapping. I would call it a rescue." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Really now then why did I wake up tied to a chair?" I teased as I looked back to see that she had her head down.

"I just didn't want you to run away." I smiled and kissed her chin. "I wouldn't have anywhere to run to. I stayed here cause I get safe here. With you."

"I'll always keep you safe."




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