I'm Not Crazy: All

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I sat in my photography class. I sat at next to my computer editing some pictures I took with the girls. I smiled at my girlfriends. Yes I haven't more than one. I have four to be exact. We've been dating for almost two years now. And I couslbt be happier.

I looked up feeling eyes on me but I was the only one in the classroom. I had a free period so I spend it in here. But I saw no one. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down at the computer screen.

I put my hair that fell to the side behind my ear and swear to god I saw someone standing nest to the door. I quickly looked up and saw no one.

I let out a shaky breath. I've been watching too many scary movies with Lauren. I quickly logged out of my account and turned off the computer. Putting my camera back in its small bag. I put over my shoulder and picked up my back pack.

I opened the door only to see a note on the floor with my name on it. I picked it up and looked around no one was around.

I opened it. 'You don't deserve them.' I furrowed my eyebrows and turned over the paper but it was blank. I looked around the hall again but nope no one was around.

I threw the paper away and made my way home. Since I didn't have no more classes today. I once again felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and saw no one. I tighten the grip I had on my bag and kept on walking. But the feeling was still there. This time stronger. This time felt like I was being followed.

I looked down when I felt my phone vibrate. 'They'll be mine once I get you out of the picture.' I gulped and walked faster. Once I saw the house I quickly ran towards the house taking out my keys and unlocking the door and rushing in. Locking the door and turning on the alarm system.

I let out a shaky breath. "Y/N?" I jumped and screamed. "Babe are you okay I didn't mean to scare you." I opened my eyes to see Normani. I let out sigh of relief. "It's okay." I took off my back pack with my hands still shaking. "Babe are sure your okay?" Mani said sounding very worried. "It's nothing just a long day."


It's been almost three weeks and I swear I'm not crazy. I'm not. I can literally feel this person looking at me and following me every time I go out either by myself or with the girls.

The girls are even to look at me like I'm crazy. I've tried showing them the texts but they got deleted I didn't delete them.

I've been ignoring them, the texts and everything else but it doesn't help.

I took a deep breath and looked at down at my camera. Yesterday the girls and I got into an argument. About me not wanting to go out. Well I told them why and they just think that I'm paranoid.

I sighed as I got dresses for school. Today I got a presentation so I have to dress up nicely.

I quickly put on my jacked picking up my bag and my hat I put on my shoes

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I quickly put on my jacked picking up my bag and my hat I put on my shoes. I made my way downstairs and saw that the girls were there looking at me. "What?"

"Tell her." "What no you tell her." I looked at Dinah and Lauren as they pushed eachother in front of each other.

"Girls. Y/N we have been thinking that you should see a therapy." Ally said looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why? I'm fine." She sighed. "Y/N you keep on talking about this person who does not exist."

I gripped my bag. "So you think I'm crazy. You guys don't have to send me to a fucking therapist to tell me that you don't believe me. Gosh you girls acting like I've been acting like." I chuckled shaking my head as tears formed. " You know what I have to go to school don't expect me to back after school." I walked away living out of the house slamming the door shut. I put on my hat and walked towards school as I whipped my tears away.

I can't believe they think I'm crazy. I'm not crazy.


I sighed as I looked up at the stars. It's been hours since school ended.

It's half past nine. My phone has been blowing up since school ended.  So I turned it off. I took my hat off and and set it on the bench next to me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

My eyes snapped open when I felt something over my nose and mouth. I looked up to see a hooded figure. That's the last thing I saw before everything went black.


I woke up I see that I was wrist were tied to a chair. Same with my legs. I quickly looked only to a fist connect with my jaw. I felt the warm run down my chin. I looked up to see a girl she was probably my age.

"Looks like my girls finally see that you're a crazy bitch." She chuckled  evily. "I'm crazy? Have you looked into a mirror? Do you own a mirror?" I felt her fist connect to the side of me face and then my stomach. Followed by more punches to the face.

I don't know how much she punched me but I guess it was a lot cause now I was coughing out blood.

"Oh you got a mouth. I'm going to show you how to keep it shut." She said growling at me.


No one's POV

The four girls sat in the living room worried out of their minds it was now 12 in the morning and their girl was still not back. They knew bringing up seeing a therapist was a bad idea. But they were just worried about the eighteen year old.

"Maybe we should have listened to her. She looked really scared every time her phone vibrated." Lauren said looking at her phone waiting for it to ring. Hopefully Y/N would call her and tell her she was alright. But she got nothing along with the rest of the girls.

"Come in let's go look for her. I think I know where she might be." Ally said getting putting on her coat. They got up and got in the car.

Once hey arrived they all ran to the bench. And stopped when they saw the familiar hat. "That's Y/N's I know that's hers." Dinah said picking up the hat only for a small paper to fall out.

"What's this?" Lauren asked picking up the paper. She unfolded it and gasped when she saw what was on the note.

"What?" The girls looked over Lauren's shoulder. Ally quickly took the paper out of Lauren's hands.

You should have believed her. Now you won't have to worry about her.

"She was telling the truth." Ally said crying. The other girls were also in tears. Feeling regretful and guilty. Maybe just maybe of they believed Y/N this wouldn't have happened.

"We are going to find her. We will."



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