Chapter 110: My Alpha

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For a few hours, we all spent our time together in Mikasa's apartment. It was full of insults, fights, teasing, but still very enjoyable nonetheless. I had forgotten what it felt like to hang around with them all. The feeling like nothing else mattered in the world - I had forgotten how that felt.

Mikasa got pissed at Eren when he finished the food in her fridge, so he bought some more through the online shopping feature the local supermarket had and asked it to be sent to here. He made it out alive, but barely.

Sometime during our hangout, someone suggested we play this trending game called Amid Us or something like that. It was an online game played by multiple players. The goal was to finish our tasks while trying to figure out who was the Impostor that's trying to kill us.

It sounded great to me so we all decided to give it a go. Everyone was wearing earphones, spread out in the living room, no cheating by looking at another person's phone. And well, let's just say, it was quite the disaster.

First round. Eren immediately cheated and peeked at Mikasa's phone. He saw she was the Impostor and ratted her out. He got a good smacking from her after that.

Second round. Hanji was twitching and giggling so much that it became painful to act as if we didn't know it was her.

Third round. Annie got Impostor. Armin caught her in the act of killing Mikasa... and he fucking defended her! That rat! He went full on detective trying to protect Annie the entire game, accusing everyone else except her. Fucking second imposter.

Fourth round. Petra killed me because I saw her vent, and my pet was left all alone. The guilt got to her and she called an emergency meeting and gave herself up.

Fifth round. Eren got Impostor and accidentally vented in the cafeteria when the game began, right in front of all of us. Karma for ratting out Mikasa if I do say so myself.

Sixth round. Hanji got Impostor, but this time, it was an actual legit round. We debated for real on every meeting, and Hanji was fantastic at being the imposter. Eventually, the voting came down to a 50:50 between Hanji and Mikasa, and Armin's institution to vote Hanji off was correct. But damn, that was the best round.

Seventh round. I got Impostor!! But you know what happened? I fucking lagged out. I lagged out of the server, oh my god, I was ready to smash my phone.

I lost the mood to play after that, and turns out everyone else was already pretty tired as well. Honestly, I could've gone for more, but I just got too pissed off really. We've been playing for a few hours and it was beginning to get tiring anyways.

We were all chilling after the intense game, just sitting around and doing nothing in particular. Suddenly, Hanji asked me a question.

"(Y/N), when are you going to tell Levi?"

I was caught off guard with the question, busy scrolling through all the memes I've missed out on. "Huh?"

"When are you going to tell Levi that you're here?" She repeated the question, catching everyone else's attention.

Truth be told, today was already pretty overwhelming as it is. Not to mention, I still have something I want to do before the sun goes down. Maybe it's better if I don't meet Levi today. "I'm planning... tomorrow."

"You sure?" Petra asked me. "Tomorrow."

I nodded firmly. "Yeah. I'm already pretty tired today and I still want to do something as well."

Annie raised a brow. "What?"

Everyone was looking at me as I smiled sadly. "Isn't it obvious? I have to visit the person who isn't here with us anymore."

My Alpha ~ Levi x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن