Chapter 54: You Have Me

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It was barely dawn when we were on the ride back to school grounds. My back ached from sleeping in one position for several hours, but despite that, I was sort of happy I could go back to all my friends.

Steel blue eyes crossed my mind, and I frowned, feeling my face slightly heat up. Of all the people, why did he had to be the person that popped up first in my mind?

I sighed, leaning my head on the window beside me, watching as we drove to town.

Levi Ackerman.

It's been a while since I realized I had feelings for the short, feisty, raven-haired man. I didn't exactly try to deny it. I accept the fact that I like him, I have no doubt about that.

But there was still something holding me back. Suspicion, to be exact. I like him, but I also have my suspicions about him having something to do with all of this werewolf stuff.

He was a suspect. Number 1 on the list, actually. Why is that?

I don't know. My gut tells me so. Speaking of guts, I closed my eyes, trying my absolute best to clear my mind.

Then, I tried calling it.


No response. I clenched my fist. I was so sure that this voice inside my head had some sort of answer to everything. But most importantly, I need to make sure I could call it when I needed to.

The voice is in my mind. My mind. Something I am supposed to have full control of.

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine that dark nothingness I was in before. Once again, I tried calling.


I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited, until Eren's elbow bumped my side, surprising me and making me lose all concentration.

"Sorry," Eren apologized, flashing me a toothy smile. "Hey look, we're at the gates!"

I pushed passed my annoyance, deciding to try again later. I watched as the car passed through the gates, excitement starting to rise.

Okay. I admit. I miss Levi. I miss the little short stack and his ugly -handsome- face.

When the car finally stopped in front of the dormitory building, I felt my heart beat faster. It was only a few days, but I've missed this place a lot.

I opened the door, closing it behind me as I headed for my luggage at the back. Without much effort, I managed to take it out, and I began walking to the main doors with Eren and Armin by my side.

As soon as I opened the doors, a black figure flashed passed me, crashing into Eren.


I turned around, immediately recognizing the owner of voice. There's no one else in this world who was this protective of Eren.

That's right. Eren's crush, Mikasa.

"Eren, are you okay?" Mikasa asked, her voice thick with concern.

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