Chapter 17: A What?

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Yes, I changed the bio of the story. And my account name is temporarily changed, kay everyone?

Levi halted beside me, momentarily ignoring the call to clean his hand.

I gulped. "I'm sorry for getting you all filthy," I said loudly, trying my best not to sound sorry.

Believe it or not, I feel fucking guilty as hell. It's not my style to do these kind of things, especially with me knowing the fact that he has OCD. So this must be hell for him.

But then, if it is, how come he stopped walking?

I peeked slowly, finding Levi looking at me weirdly, making me frown. The man then just clicked his tongue and walked away, answering the call.

The call to fucking scrub his hand like it just got Tetanus.

I listened to his fading steps, before letting out a heavy sigh and taking a napkin to wipe my hand. Suddenly, I got my breath knocked out.

Petra was giving me a bear hug, no wait, that's an understatement, a t-rex hug.

"Petra.... can't breath..." I wheezed out, giving my body a small shake.

"Oh, sorry!" Petra apologized, letting me go. "(Y/N) that was awesome! I haven't done something like that in ages!"

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah... I won't be doing it often though," I added sheepishly, reminded of the guilt I felt.

Petra shook her head. "No no! That's fine! But you're the best (Y/N)!!" She squealed, making me wince.

"Alright, that's enough. Anymore of this and I'm gonna stop," I threatened, my ears ringing from the fucking squeal.

"Oh okay then, let's go!" Petra took myarm, dragging me with her.

"W-wait, where are we going?"

The strawberry-blonde smiled at me. "We're gonna make a food party in the class!"

Food party?


"That's $100 ma'am."

Petra handed the bill like it was nothing. Just how much money does she have?

"Thanks," she said politely, before whipping around to face me.

I looked at her, before continuing to stare at the trolley exploding with junk food. "I'm sure you've seen our homeroom teacher Petra, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Actually," Petra began, pushing the trolley to the exit door, "I thought about it when I was shopping, and I got a much better idea than a class party."

I frowned. This didn't sound to good. "Which is....?"

"A late-night outdoors party at the deserted park behind the dormitories! And we're gonna be the hosts!"

"Hell no," I exclaimed, stepping back quickly. "I fucked up from just going to a party, now you're telling me I'll be hosting one? Plus, how do you know we won't get caught?"

Petra sighed and gave soft giggle. "(Y/N), I know some teachers here, so you don'thave to worry. And, I also meant it when I called the park deserted. No one ever goes there, even the security guards have crossed it out of their patrol route."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's a public secret that the place is used for outdoor parties by the students. Heck, it said in the records that teachers have joined in sometimes as well."

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