Chapter 79: KAM

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"Ring any bells?"

Everyone was silent, staring at me with wide eyes. After some time, Levi answered with a steady voice, "Too many bells."

I turned my attention to him almost instantly.

"You know KAM. You've met him. You've talked to him," Levi continued with the same tone, his expression extremely guarded.

I felt my heart drop as I took in his next words.

"KAM is Kenny."

Everything seemed to click at once, like a missing puzzle piece that had at last been found. The shock of the realization hit me so hard that it momentarily paralyzed me.

Multiple scenes flashed before my eyes. I can see it all happening.

Kenny killing my father out of pure jealousy.

Kenny killing my mother for trying to defend us.

Kenny killing Dr. Jaeger to prevent him from revealing the secret.

Kenny killing Ilse for wanting to uncover the horrifying truth.

"Kenny killing... Ms. Falida......"

Flames of rage burned through my body, and all of a sudden, it felt like as if my wounds were gone. I felt absolutely no pain as I rushed forward, pinning Levi to the wall.

"Did he do it?! Did he kill my Ms. Falida too??!" I snarled, struggling to keep myself at bay.

For once, I saw fear flash in Levi's surprised eyes. He tried to push me back, but I didn't budge. "I don't know. Kenny never tells me anything."

"I don't think he did," Erwin added quietly. "I recall him mentioning his friendship with someone called Lilian, which I presume is what he calls Ms. Falida. His expression showed no intentions of harming, or even killing her."

"Oh please," I spat. "We all know how good Ackermans are at hiding their emotions."

"(Y/N), enough. You're going to hurt yourself even more," Petra pleaded, urging me to back away and sit down.

"It's fine, I don't even feel the pain anymore." I turned to Petra, softening my voice.

"You can go ballistic on them. As long as you just sit down, okay? No physical stuff."

I backed away and sat myself on a chair. "Fine. But I swear Petra, I feel fine," I repeated, lightly moving my injured arm. It felt sore, but that was it.

"We'll... check that later."

I took a deep breath, regaining my focus on the topic. "Where is he?"

"...who?" Mikasa asked tentatively.


Levi narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

I tightened my jaw. "Why? Isn't it fucking obvious?"

Somewhere within me, something was set free. As if huge metal bars had finally been lifted from my shoulders. Once again, I felt the same burning sensation ripple through my body, but this time, it wasn't painful.

My mind had never been clearer. I could sense every fiber and every muscle in my body, feeling a surge of energy burning through them all.

I brought my uninjured hand in front of me, watching as I clenched down until my knuckles turned white, my nails piercing my skin until it drew blood.

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin