Chapter 21: Cold yet Warm

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"You fucking what?"

Levi looked at me with wide eyes. I slumped on the floor, exhausted and defeated.

"Call Petra.. or Hanji.. or whoever!" Levi ordered, his voice sounding almost as lost as I am. Almost.

I searched for my phone in my pockets, only to find them empty.

Aw hell no.

I scrambled through my bag. It wasn't there.

My eyes narrowed as I tried to remember where it was.


... 7 and a half!"

"Fine! Hurry the fuck up."

I ended the call and tossed my phone on my bed, as I quickly struggled to put my pants on. Finishing, I quickly snatched my backpack and rushed out the door.


Aww fuck.

I looked up to Levi, a wary grin on my face. "Umm.. th--"

"Don't say it. Don't fucking say it."

"I forgot my phone as well!" I blurted out, making Levi glare at me so fiercely I cowered under it.

"You idiotic fucktard!" He growled, making me flinch slightly.

We stayed silent for a while, staring at the sky. "It's beautifu, isn't it?" Levi murmured softly, his blue eyes soft and sparkling.

"What is?"

"The sky. The stars. The moon.."

I looked up again, smiling slightly. "It's a full moon. It's a beautiful one at that."

We stared at the sky for what seemed like eternity, in silence. But it's not a bad silence, I've never felt this comfortable with the darkness, and Levi, before.

Eventually we ended up walking back to the dormitories. We entered the doors with Levi's ID card, but that's about all he can do.

It's all because of the dorms' fucking safety system. Here's how it works.

The lobby is a big ass room on the first floor. Then at the back, there's the also big ass community room. The girls' and boys' dorms are seperated, on opposite sides of the building.

Another door seperates the lobby with each gender's dorm building.

Due to many 'events', the school and staff team made a few tweaks to the way the systems work. To open that door, you will need to use your ID card.

They've upped the system, so that it will scan the ID card and identify if the card belongs to a gender that matches the dorm building they are trying to enter.

That way, no boys or girls can just intrude on one another's dorm building.

It's honestly a good way to sort of fix the problem, but it's certainly not fucking working out for me right now.

I sat down on the floor, leaning against the lobby desk.

"What are you gonna do now?" Levi asked, watching me as I sat.

"I don't know. Petra said that it was a (f/band) concert, so you know it's gonna last until midnight. She also mentioned that there was gonna be a giant party afterwards, and that's probably going to finish at dawn."

Levi's eyes widened. "(F/band) concert?"

I looked up to him and gave a small nod. Levi frowned, looking at me intensely. "I wish I knew. I totally would've ditched you for (f/band)."

"Bitch!" I hissed, bringing up my knees to my chest.

"So what are you going to do?" The raven asked, his steel eyes focused on me.

I sighed. "Probably sleep here for the night. Or just wait for Petra to come back, whichever comes first."

Levi flinched slightly at my response and I looked away with another sigh.

It was still cold as I closed my eyes, breathing in my hand to try and warm it up. Damn it's freezing.

I rubbed my hands together, snuggling my head into my arms. The cold didn't fucking help with the fact that the lobby's AC was on full blast.

I'll wait here until some girl comes back. Then I'll just shamelessly ask her to open the door. Wait, that's still the same since I forgot my keys as well. Oh well, might as well just wait for Pet--

What the hell just fell on me.

I jerked up, only to be startled by a dark colored coat thrown over my curled up body. I looked up at Levi who was coatless, and looking away from me.

Did he--...?

A small smile crept up my lips. So you do care if I'm dying of hypothermia. Guess you're not a complete fuck boi.

"Come on," he said, still looking away.

I stood up, keeping the coat draped over my shoulders. I peeked to the side, trying to see why he won't face me.

Levi had his hand over his face until he pulled his scarf up so that it covered his lower face. When he glanced back, he jumped a little, surprised to see me peeking over.

He sent a glare that said clearly, Wtf u lookin at?

I shrugged and stood back straight. Levi walked towards the boys dorm side, and I stayed put.

He turned around, looking slightly confused. I glanced back from him to the dorm door.

He sighed. "I can't even begin to think how much germs there would be on you if you slept on the floor. So unhygienic."

I looked at him, and he continued.

"So I'm letting you temporarily stay in my dorm until Petra or Hanji returns."


I kept a straight face when I asked bluntly, "Attempted rape?"

Levi choked, his face burning red. "No!"

I shrugged. "Just making sure." I walked to him, flicking my hand sassily. "Cuz you know I got them booty. And I got them booby."

Levi tugged down his scarf glared at me as I walked past him. "You know what, I hate you even more for that."

I smiled, softly tugging the coat on my shoulder. "I hate you too."

I don't know if my eyes was playing tricks on me or that it was legit happening, but Levi had a soft dust of pink on his face, and his lips were curved to a barely noticeable smile.

Just the sight of it made my heart skip a beat.





Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter.

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