Chapter 23: Desperate

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I jerked up, sweat dripping from my face. My blurry vision cleared, greeted with the sight of Mikasa and Hanji looming over me, worry written all over their face.

"I... what happened?" I asked, my throat sore.

"Levi called me. He said you started screaming then passed out," Hanji explained softly.

I... what? What the hell happened before?

I shook my head. "No... Levi.. he.. he tried to attack me... or I don't know... his eyes were... were glowing... and--"

"(Y/N)," Mikasa placed her hands on my shoulders. "We had a nurse check up on you. She said you had dehydration and was hallucinating."

"...hallucinating?" I repeated, unsure of everything.

"She said to drink plenty when you wake up," Mikasa said, handing me a glass of warm water.

I took it gratefully and gulped it down at once. I admit, I am thirsty, but was I that thirsty?

Something's not adding up, but clearly Hanji and Mikasa were pretty strong about me being dehydrated.

I gave a mental shrug. I'll play along, but I'll remember this without a doubt.

I said nothing as I gave the glass back to Mikasa. Looking around, I realised I wasn't in Levi's bedroom anymore.

"You're in mine and Mikasa's dorm," Hanji explained, noticing how I was gazing around curiously. "We told Petra you were having a sleepover here."


I looked around, noticing that Mikasa's side of the dorm didn't have much on it except for books and such, a lot like Levi.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and someone rushed to me, and suddenly, I felt arms wrapped around my body.

I froze, my eyes wide open. A familiar scent wafted to my nose, the smell of pine and cleaning liquids.

"I went too hard on you," Levi murmured, his voice close to my ear.

Nope nope nope nope nope. Wtf dis boi doin huggin me?

I pushed Levi off, giving him a glare. "Oi bitch, hands off."

Levi looked away, shoving his hands in his pocket. "Sorry about snapping back in the dorm. You were just trying to look out for me."

I raised an eyebrow. He must've meant when I touched his forehead.

"I don't know if me snapping triggered a memory from your..... dark past, but I'm sorry anyways."

Dark past? Oh yeah, Armin told them about it. But even so, it most definitely isn't in Levi's nature to apologise for anything. Something's off.

All of these people are off.

And I'm surrounded by them.

I slouched on the bed, thinking about everything, when I remembered the soothing voice that had guided me.

Was someone really talking to me, or was it all in my head?

"Why the hell are your eyebrows all scrunched up like that?"

That sounded a lot more like normal Levi.

I glanced at him, unsure. "I don't know... just thinking about something... strange."

"Strange?" Levi asked, getting Hanji and Mikasa's attention as well.

"Yeah, just something odd," I told them, purposely not giving out much information.

"Tell us." Mikasa said, her eyes solely focused on me.

I knew it. These guys want information from me. They're being incredibly fishy about this small thing.

They know what truely happened last night, even though I can only remember parts of it. A lot of it was just painful blurs for me, but for them, they know exactly what happened.

And they're trying to keep it from me.

"You're being awfully desperate to know Mikasa," I confronted, raising an eyebrow.

Mikasa's voice didn't waver or shake, nor did her tempo change at all. "We want to know for the sake of your well being."

Good reason, good tempo, good timing. Either that is truely her motives or she's a very good liar. Could be one or the other, could be both.

It's too risky for me to make a bet.

I sighed, acting defeated. "I was thinking on how similiar the way you and Levi decorate your room."

"Oh. I suppose that's true," Mikasa agreed, taking a glance at her room. I narrowed my eyes.

It was barely visible, but it was there. A flash of disappointment.

I need to get out of here.

Holding my breath, I rose from the bed, giving a small stretch. "Thanks guys, I'll be heading back now okay?"

Hanji smiled. "Remember we're always here if you're in any trouble."

"I will."

I walked out their door, about to close it when someone stopped it with their foot.

I turned around, seeing Levi walking out with me. "I'm going back to my dorm," he shrugged.

I shrugged as well. "Didn't ask."

I turned around to walk away, when Levi grabbed a small piece of my sleeve. I lowered my head, not really turning around to see him.

"I'm sorry, I mean it."

I stayed still for a few seconds, and snatched back my sleeve softly.

"Yeah," I gave a neutral reply, giving him a peace sign as I walked away.

I reached back to my dorm, giving it a knock.

A few seconds later, Petra opened the door, her eyes wide to see me.

"(Y/N)!" She exclaimed, dragging me inside before I could even think.

"I was so worried about you!" She began her rant. "You need to take care of yourself more, okay? You gotta stop focusing so much on school and start thinking about your health! Physical and mental!"

I gave a nervous chuckle. "Petra I'm fin--"

"Here!" She cut me off. "I bought you this. There's water, mineral water, coffee, soda, (f/d), tea, all sorts of stuff. Go and drink it so you don't get dehydrated ever again ok--"

"Petra!" I exclaimed, cutting her off this time. I gave her a smile. "I'm fine Petra. Thank you for all of these things, that is so sweet of you."

The strawberry-blonde haired girl sniffled, before hugging me tightly. "You're my best friend (Y/N). I don't wan anything bad to ever happen to you. You're the only one who can actually sit down and understand me, but you're also a bitch sometimes."

I raised an eyebrow. "A bitch?" I chuckled.

"A good bitch, is what I mean. You've really helped me out a lot you know."

I sighed, smiling, returning her hug. "You've helped my out a lot as well. But you haven't done your assignment yet."

Petra pulled away from the hug, surprise on her face. "Oh crap my assignment!"

I smirked, crossing my arms.

Petra looked at me, blinking her eyes. "Any chance I can copy yours, dear sweet (Y/N)?"

I scoffed, "Not a chance Petra. I'm not gonna let you copy mine."

"Dang, gave it a shot."

"But I didn't say I wasn't going to help you."

"Oh wow, really?"

"By help, I mean I'm giving you a recommendation of books that you will read yourself."

"Not what I hoped, but thanks anyway."

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