Chapter 67: A Cold Night

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Voice disappeared soon after it said that. I didn't feel it's presence even by the slightest.

For the rest of the day, we organized the whole place, from cleaning things to preparing it for our daily life usage.

Levi and I didn't talk much either, except for the usual and simple exchange of words.

Petra offered to make dinner, and I helped her. We made the simplest of soup, but it's warmth was something to be grateful of.

The cold weather and warm food, added with the whole work from the entire day made my eyes droop in exhaustion. At this point, cuddling up and sleep was the best thing to do.

Everyone else was just as exhausted, except Levi because of his insomnia. The night was cold, despite the many sheets I had wrapped around my body.

I only got a few hours of quality rest, before being constantly awoken by the piercing howling wind. I gave up trying to sleep and sat up, dragging my sheets over my body.

I sat, silently staring through the window, greeted with nothing but pitch black. The room was dark with barely any lighting, and the warmth from the heater almost felt like nothing.

"Can't sleep?" A soft voice asked, startling me. I squinted my eyes, barely making out a figure sitting on their bed as well.

"Mikasa? You're awake?"

"I have been for a while now," the raven girl murmured.

I rubbed up and down on my arm, trying to create some extra heat. "It's... horrible, isn't it?"

"Yeah.... Rose Lake sucked but, it still better than this."

"I have no idea how I'm going to last for two months like this."

Mikasa sighed. "Neither do I. But the least we can do is stick together and trust one another, right?"


I thought back to this morning, when Levi suddenly said those strange words to me.

Ilse's diary, Grisha's notes and Levi confession about nightmares; just what do they all really mean?

And I also haven't exactly figured out who this voice is.

"You seem like in deep thought," Mikasa commented, staring at me.

I nodded. "I am, well, I was. I'm going to go get some water. You want some?"

Mikasa softly shook her head. "No thanks."

"Alright then."

I hopped out of my bed and tried my best to ignore the chills, dragging one of my thick blankets and swinging it over my body. I'll go get some water, and then warm up at the fireplace.

I quietly stepped into the small kitchen, got a cup and quickly filled it with slightly hot water. I went back to the main room to sit down, but was stopped by a surprise sight.

On one of the seats closest to the fireplace, sat Levi with his head hanging down and a fallen book on his lap.

I peeked closer and quicky realized he was asleep. It was still cold, even though his position was near the fireplace. He had crossed his arms and buried his hands near his armpits.

I set down my cup of water on a nearby table and approached Levi cautiously and as quiet as I can be. As I neared his sleeping form, I couldn't quite help feeling an aching pain in my slightly racing heart.

A feeling of... longing.

I grabbed the blanket from my shoulder, pulled it off and placed it over Levi gently, briefly pausing to gaze at his seemingly flawless face.

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