Chapter 65: Confrontation

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This is the real chapter I swear :)


I stood outside the dormitory building, glancing around the clearing. I took a few breaths, before running towards the gate.

I matched my steps with the sound of my heartbeat, letting the sound deafen everything around me.

I stepped out of the gate, glancing to my sides for any signs of him.

There was no one around.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement from across the street caught my attention. I focused my gaze on the figure, immediately preparing my mental state for what was about to come.

There, standing across the street, was none other than Levi.

He eyes bored into me, making me shiver slightly.

There were no cars on the road. I watched him take each step as he crossed the length that separated us.

My heart raced faster and faster as he got closer. I could feel so many emotions swirling in me. From anger to anxiety and fear.

A soft breeze picked up, making Levi's hair gently sway along as took the final step, stopping about two feet from me.

At first, we stood there in silence, no words shared between us. We stared at each other like it was the first time we have ever met.

Finally, Levi spoke in a quiet tone. "I know you wish to say many things, but not here (Y/N). Let's go to a more private place."

Despite me wanting so bad to say "NO LET'S DO THIS RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW", I could understand why he would want it that way.

I reluctantly nodded, and Levi slowly stepped beside me and started walking towards the direction of the old, abandoned park.

We slipped past the gates and Levi led me through the undergrowth, his steps quiet and confident.

Eventually, we reached the grassy clearing Levi had shown me years ago, but we didn't stop there. He kept on walking on a steady pace, crossing the area of soft grass.

At this point, there was only one place he was headed to.

A place I haven't been to since my first year ever being in this school.

Levi stopped quite a distance away from the small stream, and stood there silently with his back turned to me.

I caught up to him and stood behind him, and after a few seconds, he turned around and faced me.

I let my emotions speak for themselves.

The sound of my hand making contact with his face seemed to echo around us.

Levi had his head turned to the side from the force of the impact, his face expressionless.

I bit my lip, trying to hold back the tears that was threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I hate you."

Levi glanced back at me, his eyes filled with sorrow and immense guilt. "...I know."

"Why?" I choked out.

Levi slowly shook his head, avoiding eye contact. "I let it get the better of me."

I stayed silent, and Levi continued.

"I didn't know what to do," Levi said to me, his voice cracking. "So I blindly followed his words without thinking how it would make you feel."

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