Chapter 4: Screeching All Night Long

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The flight went on quite well, despite the fact that half-way during the trip, Mr. Hannes over here decided to get drunk on a bottle of wine god knows where it came from. I swear, he chugged the whole thing down in less than a minute.

So basically, I had to put an end to that. It's pretty unbelievable that a guy with that much muscle got knocked out with a single punch.

During the flight, me and Eren made up after I willingly offered him a pack of licorice candy Mr. Hannes had shoved in my face while he was drunk. I hated licorice and Eren ate anything in general, so the solution to the problem was pretty goddamn simple.

Since we already made up, me and the guy switched seats again, and I got a chance to explain the plan after we land. Armin seemed a little surprised from the sudden luck, whereas Eren was just relieved to figure out we were going to rest after the flight.

The original idea was, once we land, we just head straight away to Wings Senior High, which surprise surprise, we had no idea where it was. Honestly, we were just going to get a taxi and tell him to drive to the school, even if it costed a freakin grand.

That's where Eren's money would come in handy.

But holding onto a grand each in the middle of Wall Sina was suicide, since they say the pickpockets there are off the chart. But then, literally everyone in Sina are spoiled ass bratty idiots, so I don't think we'd be the only ones.

So for the rest of the flight, me and Armin chatted lightly, while Eren snored like a buffalo.

Eventually about an hour before landing, Mr. Hannes finally gained consciousness.

And remember the first thing he said to me? That sounded like a fucking pervert?

Well he just proved his pervertness.

Apparently, after he woke up, he didn't realise that I had switched seats again. And you know what he did?

He groped that man sitting next to him.

Let's just say, the man went to the bathroom, and that was the last we've seen of him until he ran out of the plane when we landed.

And that was 7 hours of my life that I'll never get back.

Once we landed, Eren, Armin and I just sat down doing nothing at the International Arrival section. It seems that Mr. Hannes brought a shit load of luggage, and he's complaining he lost one of his suitcases.

I grew tired of waiting, so I went back in there and just told him to 'fuck it'.

And believe it or not, he actually took my advice. I thought he really did ditch one of his suitcase so we can finally go to the hotel, but it turns out he miscounted and that he had all his luggage all along.

I was mad, but I decided to not tell Eren (or Armin) or it would've gotten ugly.

Turns out, the fancy hotel was only like, two streets across. But Mr. Hannes said all the fuss about taxis in plane since he had too much luggage to bring to walk over there.

I think us three would've thrown a fit and just started arguing all over, but it turns out we're all too tired to even lift a finger, so fuck it.

After waiting to what felt like eternity, we finally reached the hotel. Just stepping into the lobby already explained why this was called a royal hotel, cause damn it's blinding my eyes.

It was gigantically beautiful, like all the jewels in the world shoved into this one building.

Thanks to Mr. Hannes's buddy, he always got a free VVIP room. And he booked two more rooms, both VIP, for us three. Eren's sharing a room with Armin, and I get my own. Now that, is what I call a good life.

Mr. Hannes went to his room, then us teenagers got to work.

Eren and Armin's room was closest, so we all just scuttled in there.

"Oh my god LOOK AT THIS ROOM!!" Eren screamed, instantly jumping on the spring bed.

Armin didn't say anything, but you couldn't miss his gasp of amazement.

I dragged Armin to the bed, and guess what happens next?

I screeched, "PILLOW FIGHT!!!"

Eren joined in my screech and started smashing pillows on Armin's face. Heck, even Armin started screeching as well.

I smacked a body pillow to the back of Eren's knee and he fell backwards. Armin took this chance and body slammed onto Eren, pillows protecting his chest.

Eren reached back and grabbed my ankles and pulling them forward, resulting in me smacking my head on the bed.

And it resulted with us all in a tangled mess.

All of a sudden, Eren started laughing. And then we just joined in, laughing like complete idiots, bodies splayed out on the bed. At some point, Armin started robling (Rolling On the Bed Laughing), and guess what? He robled right off the bed.

Eren was crying, and I was laughing, confused to why Eren's crying. I decided to look at the time and, surprise surprise, it was already 2:47 am.

At around that time as well, one of the hotel security guards knocked on the door telling us to be quiet.

So I left Eren and Armin and retreated to my own room, which is next door. I was way too tired to even change my clothes so I just flopped down on the bed and called it a night.

It's a good thing I always prioritize comfy over fancy when it comes to going-out clothes.


I woke up at 6 today, not really knowing why. Don't you just hate it when you wake up early in the morning for absolutely no reason?

I was rolling around on my bed, not sure what to do, when there was a sudden knock on my door. I frowned. Who the hell knocks at a person's door at six?

Rolling off the bed, I made my way to door amd opened it. Turns out it was Mr. Hannes. He was dressed casually, and he welcomed himself into my room.

"(Y/N). Did you bring your documents?" He asked suddenly.

"I did. Why?" Came my confused reply.

"Take it out. I'm going to help you sort it out," he said, sitting down on the floor.

Well, he's actually helping me out, ain't that a bonus.

I took out a bunch of papers and files from my bag and dropped it on the floor in front of him. He scanned through it and started throwing a whole lot papers and files to his left side.

He kept on going, until there was only 2 papers and 2 files left. It was my graduation certificate, the letter saying I got accepted in Wings Senior High. Then a file with all my birth certificate and shit, with my report file.

"That's all you need," he announced, poking the useless papers and files on his left side. "Put the ones you need in a seperate folder, okay?"

I nodded and began tidying the pile of mess. "Oh, and be at the hotel's restaurant with your excuse of a luggage by 8, kay?" He added as he went out the door.

Eight? That's like, 2 hours away. What the hell am I supposed to do for two hours? Oh wait, there's a TV.

[Timeskip brought 2 u by Spongebob Squarepants]

I carried my backpack and suitcase out of the luxurious hotel room, heading for the VIP lift. It's unbelievable that the VIP and VVIP gets their own private lift, heck even the lift is luxurious as hell.

Dragging my roll-able suitcase, I made my way to the restaurant, without actually knowing where to go. You know, the best trick is to just wander around in the lobby until some officer asks you what you're looking for, then bam! The person will just lead you straight to it.

I saw Mr. Hannes sitting down, playing an anime perverted game, and I swear he looked so into it, his eyes was bulging out of his face.

You know, sometimes I question the sanity of the people I hang around with.

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